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Sugar: friend or enemy?

Зависимость от сладкого существует?
Dependence on sweet exists?
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About sweet teeth say that they developed dependence to sweet. But whether it is possible? There are no incontestable proofs. The good health at the use of sweets definitely comes. There is it thanks to production of dopamine and serotonin. But only one of these arguments are not enough to rank sugar even as the most soft drugs.
Сахар воздействует на работу мозга
Sugar influences work of a brain
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The use of sacchariferous products makes impact on work of a brain. Cells of a brain are exposed to chemical influence. If too large amount of sugar comes to an organism, the brain will give the command to the receptors regulating appetite. The researches conducted in the field showed that the brain of the people loving sweet at their look shows activity, similar to that, as people with other types have dependences.
Уровень сахара в крови
Sugar level in blood
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Simple carbohydrates, getting to our organism together with food, will be transformed to glucose which comes to blood. Can increase sugar level in blood not only sweet, but also some fruit, vegetables and other products, with the high content of carbohydrates. Such action also some dairy products, high comprehensibility of carbohydrates in which is provided with proteins and cellulose, possess.
Когда от сахара портится настроение?
When from sugar the mood spoils?
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It is known that from sweet the mood improves. As it can deteriorate for the same reason? Glucose from blood has to move to cells, and as such "transporter" serves insulin. It is developed by a pancreas and starts glucose movement. As soon as sugar level in blood significantly falls, the organism signals about the requirements again, causing feeling of hunger and deterioration in mood.
Крахмал - заменитель сахара?
Starch - sugar substitute?
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Some products containing carbohydrates, for example, French fries flour products or chips at hit in an organism are split on simple sugar. And they, as we know, influence sugar level in blood. The same property also such starches as white rice or white flour have. Therefore the people watching over the health should pay attention not only to sweet, but also starchy products.
Как отказаться от употребления сахара?
How to refuse the sugar use?
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If you realized that for you sugar constitutes danger, and decided to refuse it completely, or to reduce its use – do it gradually. The sharp refusal will bring unpleasant feelings which can be avoided, step by step, removing from a sweet diet. It is possible to begin with reduction of number of spoons of sugar in tea or to cease to add it to porridges.
Где найти замену?
Where to find replacement?
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To refuse sweet to the one who does not think without it of the life, very difficult. But it is possible and not to subject itself to such tortures. It is enough to find an alternative, replacement to favourite sweets. It is possible to receive sugar from such sources as fruit and berries. Among them there is a lot of very juicy and sweet. Yogurt will be to the taste to fans of dairy products, it contains lactose – milk sugar.
Отличные помощники - белки и клетчатка
Excellent assistants are proteins and cellulose
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The products rich with protein and cellulose will help to cope with thirst for sweet. As their digestion takes a lot of time, an organism, testing satiety, does not induce to use sweets. Protein-rich treat food: eggs, chicken meat, nuts, bean, yogurts. Rank grain, and also various vegetables and fruit as the products containing cellulose.
Помогут ли заменители сахара?
Whether sugar substitutes will help?
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Many, wishing to avoid harm from the sugar use, prefer its substitutes. But the paradox is that substitutes are not more useful than sugar at all. They not only do not cancel thirst for sweet, but on the contrary, provoke it even more. They are even considered one of sources of emergence of excess weight. If for some reason you want to refuse sugar, then refuse also its substitutes.
А может лучше мед?
And can honey is better?
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Honey it is unambiguous better. But here it should be taken into account that honey is a natural sugar and it will influence in the same way sugar level in blood. It is not less caloric, but is more useful in respect of the content of biologically active agents. Therefore if before you the question of weight loss is not necessary, and you do not limit yourself in connection with diseases, such as a diabetes mellitus, then can use honey instead of sugar that it will be more useful to health.
Сахар - великий маскировщик
Sugar - the great camoufleur
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To limit the sugar use, we exclude products as a part of which it is available. But quite often sugar masks under other names. Upon purchase pay attention to the following ingredients: a dextrose, glucose, malt syrup, treacle, the agave nectar, juice reed condensed lactose, sucrose, molasses. Their presence at a product is equal to finding of sugar in it. Such products should be avoided.
Сахар в несладких продуктах
Sugar in unsweetened products
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The sugar exception of a diet means more, than just refusal of sweet dishes. It will be required to trace availability of sugar in other products, absolutely unsweetened. For example, sugar is a part of sauces and gas stations, there is a lot of it in some grades of bread. Therefore it is necessary to study attentively labels with the description of a product that if not to exclude completely, then it is essential to reduce its use.
Влияет ли сахар на развитие диабета
Whether sugar influences development of diabetes
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This question very much concerns all sweet teeth. Partly this statement can be trusted as the constant use of sweets develops resistance to insulin influence. And it in turn increases risk of development of diabetes. That such disease as a diabetes mellitus, did not turn into real perspective, it is worth reconsidering the relation to sweets already now and to reduce intake of sugar in an organism.


Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.