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Let's talk about pluses and minuses of mushrooms

Плюс: баланс
Plus: balance
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Mushrooms – one of the most balanced products. The squirrel in them is less, than in meat (2-4%), but amino acids enough. So, for the person weighing 70 kilograms for ensuring daily nutritious balance 100-200 g of mushrooms there are enough, but only provided that they will not be the only source of protein.
Плюс: диетичность
Plus: diyetichnost
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For many people having problems with health (gastritis, colitis, digestive disturbances) it is heavy to lose weight as there are restrictions for many products. Here also mushrooms come to the rescue. During cooking or salting they form slime which envelops walls of a stomach and significantly facilitates digestive process.
Плюс: снижают тягу к сладкому
Plus: reduce thirst for sweet
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Mushrooms are a zinc source, namely the lack of this mineral leads to the strengthened desire to eat something sweet or to drink alcohol. Also zinc is important for preservation of a potentiality. It is possible to treat before night of love the elect a refined mushrooms dish, and for bigger effect to add also seafood.
Плюс: витамины и минералы
Plus: vitamins and minerals
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Mushrooms are rich with minerals and vitamins. What only in them is not present, and even vitamin C is present at oyster mushrooms, chanterelles and champignons. For a nervous system – group B vitamins, for digestion of calcium – vitamin D, and also iron, potassium, phosphorus. All these components are necessary for weight loss and deduction of resistant result.
Плюс: польза при ожирении
Plus: advantage at obesity
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Oyster mushrooms and champignons are useful at obesity and disbolism. They contain substance which reduces cholesterol level in blood. Oyster mushrooms which diameter of hats more than 10 cm are especially for this purpose useful. Thus, if mushrooms make at least 1% of your diet, then there is a real chance to reduce cholesterol level by 10%.
Минус: долго перевариваются
Minus: long are digested
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Mushrooms long are digested. Therefore it is not necessary to use mushrooms for dinner (especially fried). On the other hand, they it is significantly easier bean which are hard acquired too. Mushrooms can cause heavy feeling, a meteorism, abdominal distention and a gastric disturbance. Presently the allergy to mushrooms is also quite widespread.
Минус: плохая совместимость с овощами
Minus: bad compatibility with vegetables
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Mushrooms are badly compatible to crude vegetables, especially to tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers. Such combination within one reception can cause a meteorism and a gastric disturbance. Mushrooms are well combined only with boiled vegetables.
Минус: тяжелая пища
Minus: heavy food
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Mushrooms – quite heavy food. It is not recommended to use them to children up to 7 years and to elderly people. Of course, fried mushrooms are least of all recommended, but boiled and crude mushrooms are difficult acquired too. At children secretion of digestive enzymes is still developed not in that degree as at adults, and at elderly cannot work at full capacity any more. Therefore mushroom lunches in families with preschool children and grandmothers are undesirable.
Можно ли есть грибы сырыми?
Whether it is possible to eat mushrooms crude?
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Forest mushrooms not only not tasty are crude, but also it is dangerous, it is recommended to soak before preparation them in water, and to merge the first broth after cooking. Forest inhabitants absorb too many metals and toxins from not too eco-friendly soils. And here the cultivated oyster mushrooms and champignons in the raw are it is possible, and it is even necessary – so they are less caloric and contain more useful substances.
Грибы можно есть неограниченно?
Mushrooms can be eaten beyond all bounds?
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There is such proverb: "a mushroom and a cucumber in a stomach the goner". Many understand its sense so that mushrooms, as well as cucumbers, it is possible how many getting hungry. But this statement was born in an era when mushrooms were food of soldiers and poor segments of the population. It is dangerous to modern person to lean on mushrooms. Smaller that can be earned from their overeating – a gastric disturbance. Especially if to combine with fresh vegetables salad.
Вареные грибы
Boiled mushrooms
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We got used to use boiled mushrooms only in soups. But they can be added to salads equally well. Try to add to boiled mushrooms the scalded onions, slightly greens, the fat-free sour cream, boiled rice. But consider that a part of useful substances when cooking passes into mushroom broth therefore you should not pour out it, and to cook on it vegetable soup.
Маринованные и соленые грибы
Marinated and salty mushrooms
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Marinated and salty mushrooms have only one shortcoming – rather large amount of salt. But at them there is also a lot of mushroom slime, useful to stomach. Caloric content of such mushrooms is low if, of course, not too to fill them with vegetable oil.
Тушеные грибы
Stewed mushrooms
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Stewed mushrooms – an optimal variant. It is possible to extinguish any mushrooms in a small amount of water with addition of sour cream, milk, onions, greens and carrots. Mushrooms during suppression emit slime, forming jellylike sauce. Stewed mushrooms are not too caloric and keep all useful substances, are perfectly combined practically with any garnish – porridges, potatoes, macaroni.
Жареные грибы
Fried mushrooms
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And here it is impossible to call fried mushrooms a useful dish in any way. Undoubtedly, the dish turns out very tasty, but the caloric content of fried mushrooms, especially with addition of a large amount of vegetable oil and sour cream, increases many times. If you cannot refuse to yourself this dish, then try to add more water in the course of frying, and in finished form to use no more than 1 tablespoon a day.


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Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.