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Carefully: blood clot!

Что такое тромб?
What is blood clot?
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It is possible to call blood clot the savior. When the vessel is damaged, the clot of the turned blood closes "gap". But there are situations when blood clot can kill. So, any operation or an injury in combination with excessive activity can lead to the fact that from a vein blood clot will get into a pulmonary artery. In Russia from blood clots about 100 thousand people annually – more, than perish from road accidents, the regional conflicts and crime combined.
Какое обследование необходимо?
What inspection is necessary?
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The first step – a usual koagulogramma. If it reveals aberrations, then the following step – the developed koagulogramma. It has to show all possible disturbances of coagulability of blood. Perhaps, it is also necessary to make tests for definition of a mutation of Leiden and D-dimera which will help to reveal tendency to formation of blood clots in the near future.
Обычная коагулограмма - кому нужна?
The usual koagulogramma - to whom is necessary?
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Periodically each person has to conduct such examination. It represents routine screening and includes four components: level of thrombocytes, fibrinogen, AChTV and prothrombin ratio. One more indicator of MNO will be useful to people who constantly accept the drugs liquefying blood. If all values are within norm, then with coagulability of blood you have no problems.
Стоит ли бояться тромбов?
Whether it is worth being afraid of blood clots?
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To the healthy person – no. But if you have an arterial hypertension, a varicosity, coronary heart disease or a ciliary arrhythmia, then will not prevent to be reinsured and make the developed koagulogramma, and also the test for D-dimer which is actively used for determination of risk of a thrombogenesis. If a negative take – that probability of formation of blood clots almost zero.
Какой генетический анализ нужно сдать?
What genetic test needs to be made?
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Exists and the genetic analysis on tendency to thrombosis is a test for Leiden mutation which can be met approximately at 2-6% of Europeans. Existence of this gene increases tendency to formation of blood clots by 6-8 times, and also probability of developing of a stroke and heart attack. However you should not be upset ahead of time – timely treatment significantly reduces risk of development of complications.
Когда нужен тест на D-димер?
When the test for D-dimer is necessary?
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If your immediate family transferred thromboembolisms, or there were already thrombogenesis cases, then it is necessary to control D-dimer surely. Also it needs to be done at thrombophlebitises, after the performed operations, after a long disease. It is worth thinking of the analysis during pregnancy and at reception of hormonal contraceptives, and also at risk of development of a stroke or heart attack.
Насколько точны результаты?
Results are how exact?
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For test for D-dimer choose good laboratory. It is completely possible to trust only those results which were carried out on the modern equipment with branded sensitive test systems. It is worth watching dynamics of results provided that tests are made in the same laboratory.
Вы в группе риска - что делать?
You in risk group - what to do?
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First of all, you should not panic. Most likely, the doctor will appoint to you the drugs liquefying blood. You have to try to reduce amount of risk factors as much as possible: remove varicose veins, be engaged in treatment of a ciliary arrhythmia. Surely show all results of analyses to the hematologist. The koagulogramm should hand over from time to time, or to get portable коагулометр personally to estimate efficiency of drugs.
Как подготовиться к коагулограмме?
How to be prepared for a koagulogramma?
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Do to Koagulogramm in the morning on an empty stomach. If you accept the medicines liquefying blood, then they should stop be accepted in one-two weeks prior to inspection.


Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.