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What has to be in the first-aid kit at nvorozhdenny

Вата, ватные диски и ватные палочки
Cotton wool, wadded disks and wadding sticks
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These objects will be useful for cleaning of a nose and ears. From cotton wool skatyvat flagellums by means of which make cleaning procedures. Mothers should know that wadding sticks the child is not recommended to clean ears and a nose as it is possible to put an injury – to damage the nasal courses or tympanic membranes. But wadding sticks will be suitable for processing of an umbilical wound. And wadded disks it is possible to dry an umbilical wound after processing.
Детский крем, молочко, лосьон
Children's cream, milk, lotion
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All these means of hygiene shall be present at the children's first-aid kit and be used as required – after acceptance of a bathtub or before going to bed.
Крем под подгузник
Cream under a diaper
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Cream under a diaper effectively fights against an intertrigo. Are the most widespread Bepanten, D-panthenol, Purelan. They can be applied at an intertrigo and irritations on skin of the kid, a diaper dermatitis. Besides, they are effective not only at care of the child's skin, but also when processing a breast of the nursing mother (at cracks and injuries of nipples).
Детские очищающие салфетки или лосьон
The children's clearing napkins or lotion
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You should not use these means for regular care of the kid – instead of podmyvaniye. However they can be useful in situations when mother has no opportunity to wash the kid in water. For example, during walk or a visit to policlinic.
Бинт и салфетки
Bandage and napkins
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It is desirable to have in the first-aid kit 2 packagings of bandage – narrow and wide, and also several packs of napkins, just in case. In the field of care of the child these have means of no certain appointment, but they are irreplaceable at treatment of wounds and cuts, scratches and an intertrigo.
Пипетка с тупым концом
Pipette with a blunt end
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The pipette can be useful for processing of an umbilical wound of the kid, and also at diseases of eyes and ears. It is desirable to have 2 pipettes in the first-aid kit and to store them in a plastic case.
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Each mother knows how it is hard to take the newborn's temperature. Therefore it will be quite good if in addition to a usual mercury thermometer you buy also the electronic thermometer. By the way, now it is possible to buy electronic thermometers in the form of a baby's dummy or clip-on earrings on an ear.
Перекись водорода
Hydrogen peroxide
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In the first-aid kit there have to be 2-3 bottles of 3% of peroxide of hydrogen. At first after the child's birth it is required for processing of an umbilical wound. Also it is useful for processing of grazes and wounds which are inevitable at the child.
Марганцовка и зеленка
Potassium permanganate and brilliant green
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5% solution of potassium permanganate it is necessary to process an umbilical wound of the kid daily. It is possible to take it in a drugstore in finished form, or to prepare independently (1 h l. potassium permanganate to dissolve in 100 ml of water and to filter through 3 layers of a gauze). Also potassium permanganate is added to bathtubs for bathing (2-3 drops of ready solution). Brilliant green it is possible to process an umbilical wound, grazes and cuts.
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To be necessary for the kid the enema No. 1 (25 ml). In the first-aid kit a beam to have several pieces. One can be used as a colonic tube. The second enema will be suitable for suction of slime from a nose during cold (or it is possible to use a special aspirator). Well, and the third – for the intended purpose. Mothers should know that before use the enema needs to be boiled and to process a tip sterile oil.
Жаропонижающие средства
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As a rule, it is medicines in the form of syrup or candles for rectal use. Many recommend to apply Efferalgan candles. But there is also a set of other antipyretics for babies – Panadolum, Kalpol, etc. Before acquisition of this or that medicine will not prevent to consult with your pediatrician.
Лекарство от коликов
Medicine for kolik
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Intestinal gripes – the most common cause of concern at kids. Here it is possible to advise drops Espumizan, Planteks, Sabsimpleks. Various teas from fruits of fennel, Smekta are also effective. Of course, you should not get all these drugs at once, there is enough of one-two.
Антигистаминные препараты
Antihistaminic drugs
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Antihistaminic medical drugs shall be in the first-aid kit of the baby, they can be applied at the allergic reactions which are followed by disease state and temperature increase. It is possible to recommend Klaritin, Suprastin, Telfast, Phencarolum. Besides, before acquisition of medicine it is necessary to consult with the pediatrician and to specify a dosage.
Капли в нос
Drops in a nose
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Babies should use vasoconstrictive drops in a nose only in case of need. Nevertheless, there are cases when it is simple not to do without them, for example, before feeding or before going to bed when the kid cannot independently breathe. In such cases special children's medicines (Nazivin) usually use.
Средства, применяемые при отравлениях
The means applied at poisonings
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Means for recovery of water-salt balance of an organism are irreplaceable at poisonings of the kid. It is possible to advise the following: Regidron, Gastrolith etc. They are used at intestinal infections when the child loses too much liquid together with vomiting and a liquid chair. These powders should be dissolved in water and to allow the child to drink regularly.


Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.