Vitamins … all truth about them is known to us? Many doctors recommend to accept complexes of vitamins during the autumn and winter period.">
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Vitamins: truth and myths

Миф 1: витамин С защищает от простуды
Myth 1: vitamin C protects from cold
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According to researches which were conducted in recent years this delusion is absolutely unjustified. Actually ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, helps an organism to fight just more effectively against already appeared cold symptoms, but only time and drug intake completely will help to cure cold.
Миф 2: витамин В12 придает бодрости
Myth 2: B12 vitamin gives to cheerfulness
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B12 vitamin is important for an organism, and its deficit leads to anemia. However symptoms of its shortage are not connected with signs of fatigue or weakness in any way (a disorientation, memory loss, a pricking in extremities). The fact that regular reception of B12 vitamin gives a charge of cheerfulness and energy is proved by nothing at all. And for good health it is necessary to eat the products containing vitamins fully. Including B12 vitamin.
Миф 3: по цвету мочи видно уровень витаминов
Myth 3: on color of urine it is visible the level of vitamins
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Some water-soluble vitamins, such as group B vitamins, vitamin C, can give to urine a bright orange shade that means that in their your organism it is enough. Kidneys to remove excess, begin to work in the emergency mode, as changes color of urine. But the majority of vitamins do not find themselves at all in any way therefore you should not experiment. And just observe the dose appointed to you by the doctor.
Миф 4: синтетические витамины безопасны
Myth 4: synthetic vitamins are safe
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Synthetic additives and vitamins are necessary for providing you with all necessary nutritious components. But here it is important to observe a dosage, otherwise in a surplus they become toxic. Besides, it is necessary to consider that the organism accumulates iron and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K therefore it is necessary to accept them in addition in the form of additives carefully.
Миф 5: витамин С содержится только в цитрусовых
Myth 5: vitamin C contains only in a citrus
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It at all the incorrect statement as ascorbic acid contains in many products. Not only in a citrus. So if you have on a citrus an allergy, you can replace a glass of orange juice with one red sweet pepper, and receive the same amount of vitamin C.
Миф 6: добавки с антиоксидантами защищают от рака
Myth 6: additives with antioxidants protect from cancer
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How there was a wish to trust in it, but it is a lie. Today there are no proofs that reception of antioxidants in additives reduces probability of development of oncological diseases at all and prevents the genetic damages provoking cancer. But by some researches it is already proved that antioxidants are sometimes incompatible with medicinal therapy and weaken its action.
Миф7: мультивитамины необходимы
Mif7: multivitamins are necessary
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According to the last researches, the healthy person does not get absolutely any advantages of reception of polyvitamins. The people accepting polyvitamins for many years cannot brag of excellent health and longevity, than those who accepted them only sometimes. Anyway, with confidence it is possible to tell the following: the best source of minerals and vitamins are food stuffs, but not tablets.
Правда 1: снижают риск потери зрения
Truth 1: reduce risk of loss of sight
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Such vitamins as E and C, and also Luteinums and zeaxanthin which are contained in vegetables and fruit significantly reduce probability of development of a macular degeneration in persons 65 years are more senior. It is enough to balance own diet and to include in it many vegetables and fruit. But if the doctor diagnosed deterioration in sight, then can be required as well additives and entering of some changes into a way of life, for example, refusal of nicotine.
Правда 2: способствуют укреплению костей
Truth 2: promote strengthening of bones
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Yes, vitamin D, To, and also calcium, potassium and magnesium promote strengthening of bones. It is more preferable to receive these substances from products (nuts, meat, sunflower seeds, broccoli, bran, green peas, parsley, a cauliflower which sprouted wheat grains). If you have an increased fragility of bones or osteoporosis, the doctor can register in addition additives with vitamin D and calcium.
Правда 3: калий нормализует кровяное давление
Truth 3: potassium normalizes blood pressure
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Potassium helps cardiac performance, reduces probability of a stroke and developing of diseases of kidneys. It contains in many products (whole grains, meat, milk, vegetables and fruit) therefore it is rather difficult to feel its shortage in an organism. So, at respect for the principles of healthy food there is at all no need to accept it in the form of additives.
Правда 4: витамин В9 нужен беременным
Truth 4: B9 vitamin is necessary to pregnant women
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This is true. Quite often we suffers a shortage of folic acid and we do not even suspect about it. If it is not really dangerous to us, then in development of future child can play a crucial role. B9 vitamin is responsible for formation of a neurotubule of a fruit and prevents inborn malformations. Therefore will regularly not prevent to use when planning pregnancy folic acid in tablets.
Чем различаются минералы и витамины?
What do minerals and vitamins differ with?
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Vitamins are necessary to an organism for functions of digestion, growth, work of a nervous system. And minerals regulate exchange processes, support cellular structure and promote strengthening of bones. So, calcium provides strong bones and increases coagulability of blood. Iron is necessary for blood supply with oxygen by means of hemoglobin which brings him in other fabrics and bodies.
Когда необходимы добавки и минералы?
When additives and minerals are necessary?
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The doctor can appoint to you reception of vitamin supplements and minerals if you are pregnant or nurse the kid. Also indications to reception of polyvitamins are vegetarianism and absence in a food allowance of food of animal origin, reception of some medicines, recently postponed surgical intervention, inflammatory diseases of intestines.


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