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10 ways to overcome spring avitaminosis

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Greens on a window sill
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In greens there are a lot of vitamins. It is useful to health of an organism, and its saturated green color well influences a nervous system. That it always freshened also the most useful, put her on a window sill. Onions, parsley, a garden cress perfectly grow in house conditions.
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Make friends with ginger
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Ginger not only is excellent cold medicine, but also maintains immunity. Include it in the menu in number of three-four plates a day. It is not necessary any more as its burning taste can do much harm to a stomach. Also for prevention of catarrhal diseases and strengthening of an organism in spring time do not refuse horse-radish and mustard.
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Natural vitamins from food
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Try not to load an organism with "heavy" dishes. Limit the use of mayonnaise, greasy food, farinaceous food. Try to eat more fruit or dried fruits. Dates, raisin, dried apricots have to become constant products on your table. Do light salads of vegetables, filling them with any vegetable oil. Replace meat with fish, and flour products – croutons.
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Arm with spices
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For fight against avitaminosis all means are good, and spices can become these means. Added to food, they improve a metabolism, accelerate blood circulation, increase appetite and even improve mood. With their help dishes become more fragrant and more tasty. Caraway seeds, a basil, black pepper, a thyme, rosemary and many other seasonings increase our vitality, doing taste of food is brighter, and its aroma nasyshchenny.
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Lunch walk
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It is possible to increase working capacity and to cope with avitaminosis effects, making walks in a lunch break. After have dinner, walk a little on foot. Sunshine during walk will help you to cheer up, fill up vitamin D reserves in an organism and to complete your working day in good mood.
Физическая активность
Physical activity
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It is necessary to fight against slackness and fatigue by means of physical exercises. At first sight can seem that there are no forces literally on anything, but after classes you with surprise will find out that you began to feel much more vigorously. It is explained by production of endorphine during the trainings which helps us to feel excellently.
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Days off in the fresh air
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After labor week arrange yourself days off in the fresh air. Go to walk to the wood or the park. With approach of spring these places become extraordinary beautiful. There is the first vegetation, air – is pure and transparent. Everywhere we are surrounded by spring aromas and a twitter of birds. In such situation from spring avitaminosis there will be no trace left also. You will feel well rested and full of strength by the beginning of new week.
Get enough sleep!
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It is impossible to recover forces if constantly not to fill up. The organism needs a full-fledged eight-hour dream. It is clear, that in working everyday life it is impossible to sleep longer, as if there was no wish for it. But here during week-end dare to luxuriate in a bed longer than usual. It will allow to reduce stress and to recover forces.
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Support activity of a brain
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Intellectual fatigue at all not easier physical. Cogitative work can tire very much a brain and it will be difficult for you to concentrate. Here potassium and calcium will help. These elements stimulate brain activity. Dairy products including cottage cheese, and potassium is in tomatoes and cheese are rich with calcium.
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Replace a type of activity
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Monotonous occupations can cast over anyone melancholy and apathy. Include something new in the daily routine. Register in fitness club, visit the pool or a sauna, plant flowers at yourself on a window sill. Joint walk with friends or with the family will become the best option. It is possible to go together with children to entertainment center. What you chose, try to receive a maximum of positive emotions!


Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.