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Food at obesity: what to pay attention to

Меню пониженной энергоценности
The menu of the lowered power value
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The daily food allowance at obesity has to contain the number of calories less, than is spent in the course of life activity. Such deficit of calories will force an organism to use fatty accumulation for completion of a metabolic cost. Depending on degree of obesity and a physical state, it is recommended to create deficit no more than 20-30% of standard daily rate for normal portability without damage to health.
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Protein content increases in diets at obesity to 70-80 g a day, that as proteinaceous food for long time quashes feeling of hunger, increases power consumption in the course of digestion of proteins, well sates an organism. Animal protein has to make 50% and more from total quantity of the consumed proteins, preference should be given in products to low-fat meat, a bird, river fish, moderately fat sea fish, seafood, the fat-free dairy products, eggs.
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It is necessary significantly, to limit to 25% of the general receipt of calories consumption of fats, at the expense of an exception of a diet of the products containing saturated and refractory fats. It is recommended to consume on average 0,7 g on 1 kg of weight or 40-50 g of fats a day. It is impossible to exclude absolutely fats from a diet as they are a source of irreplaceable fatty acids and are necessary for assimilation of a number of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.
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The amount of carbohydrates should be reduced moderately to 210-240 g at the expense of an exception of a diet of the products containing pure carbohydrates without other nutrients necessary for an organism – sugar, confectionery, sacchariferous products, products from fine flour, polished rice, semolina, potatoes, bananas, raisin, dates, a dried fig. The recommended sources of carbohydrates at obesity – the products rich with mineral substances, vitamins and food fibers.
Баланс белков, жиров и углеводов
Balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
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Average ratio of the BZhU main nutrients in food at obesity 75-45-225 that approximately will give 1600 kcal. This size can vary depending on degree of obesity, the state of health, age, sex and other important factors. At change of norm of calories change of amount of proteins-fats-carbohydrates, with preservation of an approximate percentage ratio of 20-25-55% is respectively calculated.
Минералы и витамины
Minerals and vitamins
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The food allowance recommended at obesity contains insufficient amount of the minerals and vitamins necessary for normal work of an organism. To warn a vitamin mineral deficiency, in addition to a diet it is regularly necessary to accept a complex of polyvitamins and minerals in physiological doses. The amount of sodium of chloride (table salt) in the menu at obesity needs to be limited to 6-8 g a day.
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In a diet at obesity restriction in the use of liquid is recommended only at diseases of kidneys, liver or blood circulatory system to which stagnation of water in an organism accompanies. The volume of free liquid in the menu at obesity makes 1,8-2,0 l a day, simple drinking water, table mineral waters, green tea, natural coffee, the svezheotzhaty, diluted with water juice, compotes and fruit drinks without sugar addition, dogrose broth, a liquid part of soups can be a source.
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Alcoholic beverages are recommended to be excluded at obesity, because of the carbohydrates which are contained in many drinks (maltoses, sucrose, glucose), weakening of control of the use of food under the influence of alcohol, low nutrition value of hard alcoholic drinks at the high content of calories. 100-150 g of dry grape wine of high quality are admissible several times a week, for removal of fatigue and relaxation, red, or 50 ml of qualitative hard liquors are better (vodka, cognac, whisky).
Режим питания
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Frequent fractional food in the small portions, at the same time – one of the basic rules of the mode of the use of food in diets at obesity. It is recommended to eat food of 5-6 times a day. It is not less important to distribute food power value correctly. In the morning and in the afternoon power consumption on digestion and digestion of food much above, therefore, more caloric food should be distributed for breakfast and a lunch. The dinner has to be a lung.
Кулинарная обработка продуктов
Culinary processing of products
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For successful dumping of weight at obesity it is necessary to watch not only what products are eaten, but also it is correct to prepare them. It is necessary to refuse completely fried food, it with success can be replaced with the dishes prepared on a grill, stewed without addition of fats, boiled, steamed or baked in an oven. The majority of vegetables is recommended to be used in the raw.
Правильное питание при ожирении
Healthy nutrition at obesity
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Food at obesity – the long-term program changing not only a diet, but also a diet, ways of cooking, distribution of reception of products on energy value and many other things. Full compliance with all conditions, especially at first, is rather difficult. When there is a disturbance of one or several rules of food at obesity it is not necessary to refuse the program in general, it is important that such disturbances did not become a norm.
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