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The most widespread children's diseases

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At children unlike adults Eustachian tubes are located horizontally therefore to their thicket overcome ear infections. One of them is otitis. There is it against the background of the current catarrhal diseases as the ear-throat-nose system at the person very closely interacts. Otitis is followed by ear pains, an itch, temperature increase and loss of appetite.
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Quinsy can develop as a result of overcooling of a throat cold drink or because of streptococci, what is much more dangerous. Streptococcal quinsy is followed by severe pains in a throat which can last several days, the increased temperature, emergence of pustulous educations on almonds. It is difficult for child to swallow. It sluggish and whimsical. At streptococcal quinsy appoint treatment antibiotics.
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The inflammation of a throat is called laryngitis. At this disease the osiplost in a throat appears and cough begins. Laryngitis usually is the satellite of acute respiratory viral diseases and can be followed by weak hypostasis of a throat. This viral infection is treated strictly under control of the doctor.
Scarlet fever
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If red rash on a body joined the throat affected with streptococci - it is scarlet fever. The first rashes develop in a breast and the child's stomach, and then extend on a body. This rather serious disease which once belonged to the category of the most dangerous children's diseases. Today scarlet fever is successfully treated by antibiotics.
Chicken pox
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About such disease as chicken pox, many have heard a lot. On skin there are bubbles which having burst, form a crust. Usually it is easy to distinguish the kids having chicken pox as they are covered densely with drawings by brilliant green. This disease is transferred by children easier, than adults. and to it durable immunity is formed. It is almost impossible to ache the second time with chicken pox.
Whooping cough
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Whooping cough – very dangerous disease for children under two years. It is extremely infectious and is transferred in the airborne way. It is possible to distinguish whooping cough on spasmodic pristupoobrazny cough. At an initial stage this type of cough treat antibiotics. If symptoms are washed away, then do not appoint antibiotics.
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Cutting deprive
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By cutting it is deprived the fungal infection which at distribution can cause damage of indumenta is called. Deprive it is necessary to treat and the quicker, the better. Having seen a small reddish spot which is shelled and increases in sizes on the child's skin, immediately process the struck place antifungal means. Cutting deprive appears preferential at children, is much more rare at adults.
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If at the child after a dream in corners of eyes crusts are formed, lachrymation of eyes and reddening, that is suspicion of conjunctivitis is observed. It appears from the same viruses, as catarrhal diseases or it can cause the bacteria brought by dirty hands. The reason of infection is defined by the doctor, he appoints the corresponding treatment.
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The child who did not undergo vaccination against this disease in time can get sick with measles. Measles begin with sharp temperature increase, emergence of cough and rhinitis, after weakening of an acute phase all body of the child is covered by red rash. Usually, in about two weeks from it there is no trace left also, but measles can sometimes give complications on lungs of the child or other bodies.
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The causative agent of diphtheria is the diphtheritic stick which can be transmitted through foodstuff, toys, at contact with the sick person. The disease is followed by high temperature, emergence of a yellowish-gray plaque on almonds, cough and an osiplost. Diphtheria is very dangerous and demands hospitalization and constant observation of the attending physician.
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The rubella results from infection with the virus of the same name. The incubation interval proceeds in an asymptomatic form. At development of a disease in the beginning temperature slightly increases, occipital and zadnesheyny lymph nodes increase, becoming extremely painful and dense. Then on a body there is rash which in about two-three days disappears, without leaving marks.
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At poliomyelitis some departments of the central nervous system are surprised, there is an inflammatory process in digestive tract. As activators serve the enteroviruses getting to an organism in the airborne way from the infected person. Symptoms are: frustration of a chair, headaches, cough, irritation in a throat, temperature, weakness and a febricula. The disease is dangerous and demands observation of the doctor.


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Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.