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How to struggle with teenage spots?

Причины появления
Emergence reasons
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Usually spots begin to develop at teenage age that is most often connected with hormonal reorganization of an organism. However hereditary features, improper feeding, hormonal disturbances, a stress, insufficient care of skin and low-quality cosmetics can be premises of their emergence also. In certain cases the aggravation is caused by seasonal and climatic factors.
Ежедневная гигиена
Daily hygiene
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The teenage age is characterized not only hormonal changes in an organism, but also not always rather serious attitude towards purity. In the started state quite harmless spots can lead to more serious disease – an acne. Therefore an important measure of prevention of teenage spots is hygienic care of skin. At regular leaving usual soap children's, economic or tar suffices.
Профессиональная помощь дерматолога
Professional help of the dermatologist
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At not expressed inflammation the professional help usually is not required. But if all possible folk remedies and new medicinal ointments are tried, and reflection in a mirror all the same does not please the teenager, it is necessary to ask for the help the dermatologist. Perhaps, in this case outside therapy needs to be added internal which can include various drugs having antiinflammatory effect.
Профессиональная помощь эндокринолога
Professional help of the endocrinologist
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In certain cases, when neither the advice of the friends, nor appointments of the dermatologist help, the reason of strong unwillingness of spots to give in to therapy is covered in the latent diseases of endocrine system. In this case it is necessary to address the endocrinologist who will help to reveal these disturbances and will appoint the measures normalizing a metabolism. With reduction of manifestations of an internal imbalance, also face skin will gradually be cleared.
Профессиональная помощь косметолога
Professional help of the cosmetologist
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If in everyday life it is possible to get used to a condition of face skin, then out of the question over time about that the teenager with spots wanted to go on any public action – whether it be birthday of the friend, a concert of favorite band or a graduation party. In this case shortly before the forthcoming event it is worth addressing to beauty shop where by means of the wide range of the special equipment it is possible to clear face skin.
Лекарственные средства
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If ten years ago in a drugstore it was possible to buy exclusively salicylic acid and the Nonsense, then today the modern pharmacology releases the big range of various means from spots. However it is noticed that if these means help, then it is possible to get rid of spots also simple hygienic means in combination with the same Nonsense or salicylic acid.
Отвары растений
Broths of plants
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At emergence of the first spots on the face you should not rush in panic to a drugstore behind widely advertized medicines at once. Most of them includes extracts of plants which were long since used for care of face skin in the structure. Often happens sufficient to wash daily broth of a camomile, a sage, mallow, coltsfoot, yarrow, parsley or flowers of a linden, and the condition of face skin considerably will improve.
Лечение питанием
Treatment by food
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It is possible to reduce expressiveness of spots on skin by means of change of a food allowance. Teenagers, spending much time in city cafes, often are fond not of the most healthy food. Fast food is recognized as most of doctors of the world the most junk food causing a set of disturbances in an organism. As the condition of skin is reflection of what we eat, you should not write off everything for hormones, and it is necessary to adjust normal food.
Больше свежего воздуха
It is more than fresh air
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Life of the modern teenager passes not in open space, and mostly indoors, and the amount of time which is carried out in the fresh air was reduced to a minimum. However fresh air is a necessary condition for the correct exchange processes in an organism. Usually owing to load it is on weekdays rather difficult to find time for walks therefore it is necessary to think of the organization of days off outdoors.
Народные средства
Folk remedies
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As most often spots are inherent to fat skin, most councils for care of it are directed to its cleaning, dehumidification and protection. From spots it is possible to apply simple cosmetics of cleaning – a mask from clay and various srubs. At the same time it is not obligatory to visit beauty shop or to buy ready means. Srubs can be prepared independently, having picked up ingredients taking into account own preferences.
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