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You cannot fall asleep? 15 councils in the help

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Do not read and do not watch TV before going to bed
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If it seems to you that viewing of the TV or reading the book before going to bed a good way to fall asleep, then you are mistaken. After reading of the book or viewing of TV your brain within several hours will be activated and, in this regard, it will be difficult to find tranquility which is the key to sound sleep. Viewing of TV before going to bed is especially dangerous to the people having chronic sleeplessness.
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You go to bed when there is a wish
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To receive a healthy and useful sleep, it is necessary to go to bed only when the organism really demands rest. It is impossible to go to bed at all because "it is so necessary". If you go to bed in 9 and will not be able to fall asleep to 12, then it will only do much harm to health and, besides, the dream after such rest can not come some more hours (as the sleep pattern will be broken).
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Avoid active occupations before going to bed
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Specialists advise to avoid various active actions in the second half of evening. To plan the actions next day and to discuss various problems which concern your life it is necessary not later than an hour and a half to a dream. This time is quite enough in order that the organism managed to be adjusted on tranquility and sank into a healthy and sound sleep.
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Do breathing exercises
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According to many physicians, breathing exercises before going to bed very well promote healthy and sound sleep. Such exercises will help to relax and be adjusted on tranquility which plays very big and important role by preparation for a dream. According to many specialists, also the respiratory yoga before going to bed will be not less useful.
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Look for occupations for relaxation
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The bed is a place where you receive a sweet and healthy sleep. And if it happened so that you went to bed and the dream does not come (even in 15-20 minutes), so it is necessary to change something. For example, best of all - it is to look to itself for some occupation which will bear soothing effect and will help you to be prepared for a dream. It is also possible to be engaged in relaxation auto-training, it will be very pertinent in such situation.
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Air a bedroom before going to bed
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All know that the healthy sleep demands clean and fresh air. Therefore it is necessary to air daily a bedroom before going to bed. Except that air in a bedroom will be fresh, it still will be also cool. Namely such situation also allows to sink into a healthy and sound sleep which will last all night long without breaks very quickly.
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It is not necessary to consider lambs
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Still our grandmothers advise in case of sleeplessness to consider lambs or elephants. But actually – it will not help at all. If to consider, then the brain, on the contrary, becomes more active and begins to work as in the afternoon. And it absolutely to anything. Therefore surely consider that conducting calculations of elephants or lambs will not help to fall asleep in any way.
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Do not play sports in the evening
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Psychologists proved for a long time that physical activity before going to bed negatively influences its quality. As the organism begins to activate all processes and to it not to a dream at all. That is, if you are fond of evening jogs, they need to be carried out not later than 2-3 hours to a dream. Such time is quite optimum that the organism managed to have a rest and calm down before going to bed.
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Do not overeat before going to bed
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Before going to bed it is impossible to overeat at all. It is necessary to eat food not later than 2-3 hours to a dream in the evening. During this time all food peretravitsya in a stomach, and the organism will be prepared for rest. If to go to bed with a full stomach, then the organism will not be able fully to be recovered in a night, and you will feel bad the next morning.
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Not to dremayta in the afternoon
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It is not necessary to doze in the afternoon, the dremaniye influences also an evening dream in the afternoon. The organism gives signals in a brain that it is time to have a rest and the dream and as it only a dremaniye, it very quickly is interrupted begins to come. In this regard it will be very difficult to organism to be adjusted on a dream and tranquility in the evening.
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Do not force themselves to fall asleep
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There are cases when the organism often wakes up at night and it seems to us that at such moments it is necessary to force to fall asleep himself, but it is not correct. Specialists confirm that if your organism wakes up several times at night, it is necessary to be engaged after a prosypaniye in some favourite soothing occupation and as soon as drowsiness appears – again to go to bed.
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Do not take alcohol and you do not smoke before going to bed
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Such things as smoking and alcohol, very harmful influence not only our health, but also a healthy sleep. Also it is not necessary to use coffee before going to bed. All these things stimulate activity of a brain. In this regard it will be very difficult to fall asleep. And though can seem to much that after acceptance of alcohol it is possible to sleep well, it not so. On the contrary, such dream is only harmful to our health.
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At nightmares it is possible to dream up
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There are situations when we wake up at night because of nightmares. In this regard, it is the best of all to dream up. If you feel that you dream some awful dream, try to regulate it and to think up the beautiful termination of a dream. If you manage it, then you will be able well to feel and not to feel negative impact from nightmares and other unpleasant dreams.
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Listen to the weakening music
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If you want that the dream came quicker, listening to music will be very useful. But, the speech goes about quiet music here. Very positively the dream is influenced by classics. She allows an organism to relax and sink into a healthy, deep sleep. Such weakening music can also be combined together with auto-training. It will strengthen its effect.
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Honey teaspoon before going to bed
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Since ancient times it is known what medical influences an organism as sleeping pill and a calmative. Therefore for half an hour to a dream it is very useful to drink a glass of warm water with honey. Such drink will allow not only to receive a good and long dream, but also to strengthen a nervous system and to learn to avoid various stresses which very often meet in our life.


Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.