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Sex after the delivery

Когда можно начинать?
When it is possible to begin?
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At an extract from maternity hospital doctors strongly recommend all newly made mummies to refrain from sex within 45 days. And it is quite justified recommendation. For this term the uterus is reduced to the initial sizes, and its mucous is recovered. Therefore it is worth listening to councils of doctors. Besides, the risk of infection of a vagina, and also neck and mucous uterus at first is after the delivery high.
А если было кесарево?
And if was Caesarian?
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If childbirth was by means of Cesarean section, then the vagina and a neck of uterus remain same, as well as before childbirth, but doctors, nevertheless, recommend to refrain from sex up to 60 days for healing of seams. Besides, after department of a placenta there is an open wound which also has to heal. Because of this wound at women bloody allocations after the delivery begin.
Причины боли во время секса
The pain reasons during sex
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What to do if after the delivery passed several months, and during sex you feel pain? It is necessary to see a doctor. The pain reasons during sex can be a little. The hems which remained after the delivery, shortage of oestrogenic hormones, infectious process, an inflammation of bartolinovy glands are the most widespread.
Рубцы после родов
Hems after the delivery
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If at childbirth there were complications, the epiziotomiya was carried out or there were ruptures of soft tissues, then the recovery period after the delivery can longer last 45 days. Sometimes, that hems on site of gaps cause discomfort still quite long time. If you are tormented by pains for half a year and more, then see a doctor, surgical intervention can be required.
Дефицит гормонов
Deficit of hormones
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Almost all women suffer a shortage of oestrogenic hormones of a puerperal period. It sometimes results in dryness of a vagina and notable discomfort during sexual intercourse. This problem is easily removable by means of special lubricants, gels and creams. It is desirable to apply means on a water basis whereas on oil can cause reddening and irritation.
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During sexual intercourse infections of a vagina or a bladder can be the cause of pain. In this situation it is necessary to see a doctor who will appoint the corresponding treatment. Here it is necessary to consider that the nursing woman cannot take any medicine therefore the help of the qualified specialist is necessary.
Воспаление бартолиновых желез
Inflammation of bartolinovy glands
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The bartholinitis, or inflammation of the bartolinovy glands allocating a secret at an entrance to a vagina can also be the reason of pains during sex. At a course of a disease at first pains at sexual intercourse develop, and then in the respective area there is a swelling.
Нежелание заниматься сексом
Unwillingness to have sex
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During sex and ways of the decision we dealt with pain. And how to be with unwillingness? The reasons of unwillingness to have sex after the delivery there can be a set. It and elementary fatigue, the aggravated maternal instinct, a hormonal imbalance, and also fear of new pregnancy. Thus, it is possible to claim that not only physical recovery, but also moral readiness of the young woman is important.
Материнский инстинкт
Maternal instinct
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Right after the child's birth at the woman the powerful maternal instinct joins. The child comes to the forefront, occupying completely all thoughts of the woman. Therefore at first another she is not able to think of something. It is in this situation important what the man would understand it and did not require the attention increased to himself from the wife, did not insist on performance of a conjugal duty, and actively took part in care of the child.
Долго ли ждать?
Whether long to wait?
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Fortunately, the strongest splash in a maternal instinct falls on the first month of life of the kid that matches also physiological impossibility of the woman to come into sexual contact. If the child is healthy and does not take away all forces from mother, then gradually life enters a normal bed, cares of the kid become usual and the woman thinks of resuming of sexual life more and more.
Страх перед новой беременностью
Fear of new pregnancy
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One more reason of concern for women is the possibility of approach of new pregnancy. This problem is easily solved by contraception use. Even the feeding woman can become pregnant, contrary to popular belief that the first half a year when breastfeeding after the delivery it is impossible. Therefore you should not rely on a case, and to consult to the gynecologist.
Подсознательный страх
Subconscious fear
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The first several months after resuming of sex life to the woman are really difficult to receive pleasant feelings. And a considerable role is played here by fear of pain, constant недосыпь and insufficient amount of lubricant. There is also it that muscles of a vagina lose a tone and weaken. All these problems are solved, but demand time and patience from the man. Over time pleasant feelings are returned, and the fear passes.
Гимнастика для интимных мышц
Gymnastics for intimate muscles
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The special gymnastics – Kegel's exercises will help to recover a tone of muscles of a vagina after the delivery. It is easy to carry out them independently, they do not demand any supplementary equipments. It is possible to use vaginal balls also. If nothing helps, vaginal plastic surgeries are available for today. But it is a last resort which in most cases is not required.
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Occasion to see a doctor
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It is necessary to see a doctor in the following cases: if a month later vaginal bleeding proceeds if the woman feels weakness and a fever, temperature rises if allocations with an unpleasant smell (a symptom of an infection) appeared if in mammary glands appeared pain, reddenings and other unpleasant feelings.


Whether you know that:

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