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Mountain ash red - a mountain ash useful

Источник витаминов
Source of vitamins
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As a part of a mountain ash red many vitamins and useful minerals. There are vitamins A, P, K, E, groups B, C (at a large number), and also such microelements as magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus. This red berry is rich with tannins and organic acids. All this advantage is hidden only in a ripe mountain ash if berries do not ripen, then and useful substances will be significantly less.
Помощь при заболеваниях
The help at diseases
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In traditional medicine the mountain ash red is often used for treatment of various diseases. It is useful at atherosclerosis, helps at internal bleedings as increases coagulability of blood. Among other things berries of a mountain ash can be used as strong diuretic. By means of a mountain ash, both fruits, and their juice it is possible to treat also many other illnesses.
Рябина красная при геморрое
Mountain ash red at hemorrhoids
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At hemorrhoids apply mountain ash juice. For its preparation ripe berries are washed, touched, and then passed via the juice extractor. Taste of drink not really pleasant, but is not recommended to add honey or sugar. At the use it is possible to wash down with water. The day dose of juice of a mountain ash makes about 100 ml. High performance of this cure for hemorrhoids is caused by rather strong laxative effect.
Рябина красная при запорах
Mountain ash red at locks
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As the mountain ash possesses aperient action, it will help and at locks. It is possible for this purpose to do juice of berries, and it is possible to pass the washed-out and sorted berries via the meat grinder, having made a peculiar mountain ash puree. At locks it is enough to eat couple of spoons of this "medicine" and to wash down all with usual water. The result will not keep itself waiting long.
Рябина красная и камни в почках
Mountain ash red and stones in kidneys
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In the presence of stones only the forest mountain ash will help with kidneys. According to specialists, a garden plant here powerlessly. Treatment duration berries of a forest mountain ash makes about one and a half-two months. Is a mountain ash it is possible as in combination with something, and independently (only one berries), the main thing that the daily portion made about two glasses.
Рябина красная и авитаминоз
Mountain ash red and avitaminosis
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Infusion from berries and leaves of a red mountain ash will help to cope with avitaminosis. The way of preparation is simple: leaves and fruits (gram 15) fill in with a glass of the boiling water and maintain on fire not less than ten minutes. Broth has to boil quietly all this time. After that capacity with infusion is covered with warm fabric and insisted within 12 hours. It is better to execute it for the night, to divide into three portions in the morning and to drink during the day.
Рябина красная и онкология
Mountain ash red and oncology
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It is impossible to tell that fruits of a red mountain ash are a panacea at oncological diseases, but their useful properties are capable to strengthen considerably health and to affect an organism in the best way. Therefore both the mountain ash, and its juice is recommended to include in complex therapy for treatment of cancer patients. Also the good result from use of berries of a mountain ash red was noted at emergence of the centers of an inflammation on skin.
Рябина красная при бессоннице
Mountain ash red at sleeplessness
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When the nervous shock does not allow to fall asleep it is a high time to remember berries of a red mountain ash. Incorporating RR vitamin, they perfectly remove a condition of excitement and calm a nervous system. Those to whom hypostases spoil mood in the mornings can note information on ability of mountain ash juice to remove excessive puffiness.
Рябина красная как желчегонное
Mountain ash red as cholagogue
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Among numerous properties of a red mountain ash it is possible to note its cholagogue action. In the presence of signs of an inflammation of a gall bladder mountain ash juice is accepted on 1 teaspoon before each meal. Universality of this natural medicine is confirmed by the fact that it equally well treats not only diseases of internals, but also, for example, warts (fresh berry is crushed, and put to the struck place).
Время заготовки
Preparation time
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That berries of a red mountain ash brought as much as possible benefit them it is necessary to remove in time. The most suitable time for this purpose – late fall, the period before the first frosts. Some on the contrary wait the beginning of light frosts, wishing to achieve improvement of taste of berries. Bitter taste really decreases a little, but together with it also the vitamin structure of berries worsens. Besides the frozen mountain ash is stored much worse.
Способы заготовки
Ways of preparation
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Red there is a lot of ways of preparation of a mountain ash. Berries it is possible to dry, freeze, cook from them jam. Of course, the fruits which did not undergo heat treatment contain more than substances necessary to an organism, but also in the kissels welded with a mountain ash, compotes, jams and syrups, undoubtedly, it is a lot of advantage.
Условия заготовки
Preparation conditions
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Red it is optional to buy a mountain ash in drugstores at all, its fruits can be prepared independently, having correctly chosen time of collecting. However it is worth remembering one important condition on which efficiency of treatment by a mountain ash depends, namely – the place of gathering berries. The best place are the woods and parks. The trees growing along routes and about the industrial enterprises cannot brag of existence of qualitative organic berries of a mountain ash.
Рябина в рационе
Mountain ash in a diet
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The regular use of a mountain ash as a part of different dishes is capable to improve health of the person already in few months of use. Such diet will allow to reduce fragility of capillaries, will strengthen bile outflow, will promote normalization of a metabolism. Systematically including berries of a mountain ash or its juice in the menu, it is possible to help hemopoiesis process. The mountain ash and to fans of greasy food as well influences work of a liver is shown.
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Fruits of a mountain ash red are contraindicated to pregnant women and the feeding women, people with the increased coagulability of blood having thrombophlebitis. She is not recommended and at a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice as promote its bigger increase and stronger stomach walls irritate. The mountain ash red is strictly forbidden the people who had a stroke or a heart attack.


Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.