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Useful properties of a camomile medicinal

Состав ромашки лекарственной
Structure of a camomile medicinal
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In the curative purposes use plant flowers which prepare in the initial blossom. As a part of flowers of a camomile there are essential oils, bitterness, flavonoids, organic acids, slime, carotene, glycosides, proteic matters, coumarins and sugar. The vitamins C and other vitamins which are contained in a camomile allow to expand significantly a circle of medicines on its basis.
Антибактериальное действие
Antibacterial action
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Camomile decoction medicinal is fine antibacterial agent. The essential oils which are contained in a plant have the disinfecting and anesthetizing effect on an organism. Camomile infusion it is possible to cure successfully gastritis, various skin diseases and diseases of a liver.
Водный настой ромашки
Water infusion of a camomile
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Water infusion of a camomile medicinal is used as the knitting, soothing, easy laxative, sudorific means. Infusion at neurosises, hysteria, epilepsy, a dysmenorrhea, a chorea, epileptiform neuralgia is useful. Use a camomile medicinal as softening, anti-inflammatory drug at spasms and stomach aches, female diseases, spasms, a periods delay.
Польза для нервной системы
Advantage for a nervous system
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Broth of a camomile medicinal quickly and effectively saves from a headache, is a good calmative. It is possible to prepare the following broth: 1 tablespoon of a camomile to fill in 200 ml of water and to bring to boiling, to boil minutes 15 on small fire. To allow broth to cool down and infuse, filter. It is necessary to drink broth in a warm look on a half of a glass 3-4 times a day. It is also possible to do compresses on a nape.
Польза при ангине
Advantage at quinsy
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At quinsy and various catarrhal diseases it is possible to prepare the following camomile infusion medicinal: To fill in 1 tablespoon of flowers with a glass of abrupt boiled water and to give well to infuse, filter. It is necessary to drink infusion on a half of a glass three times a day. It is possible to use the same infusion for rinsings of a throat, having added 1 teaspoon of honey.
Ингаляции при гриппе
Inhalations at flu
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At flu inhalations on the basis of a camomile medicinal will be useful. For preparation of infusion it is necessary to add one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of soda and one teaspoon of flowers of a camomile to boiled water. Having taken cover fabric, to inhale fumes from the received mix.
Польза для желудка
Advantage for a stomach
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The camomile medicinal kills intestines and stomach pains. Its action can be compared to action of tablets of Nospanum. For preparation of infusion it is necessary to fill in 1 table luzhka of dry flowers of a camomile with 1 glass of boiled water, to cover densely and to allow to infuse 15 minutes, to filter and drink. For taste it is possible to add juice of a lemon and a little honey.
Ванны при подагре
Bathtubs at gout
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Strong infusion of a camomile medicinal is used outwardly for acceptance of bathtubs at rheumatism and gouty damages of joints. Also infusion of flowers of a camomile is applied to washing of abscesses, purulent wounds and ulcers, to washing of eyes.
Польза при артрите
Advantage at arthritis
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Drugs from camomile flowers perfectly kill pains at arthritises and severe bruises. For their preparation it is necessary to fill in the crushed dry inflorescences of a camomile with a small amount of boiled water to a kashitseobrazny state, it is good to mix, lay out on a pure gauze. It is necessary to put such lotions to a sore point, to wind from above with polyethylene and a warm scarf. To leave for warming up for 30-40 minutes.
Применение в косметических целях
Use in the cosmetic purposes
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In the cosmetic purposes infusion of a camomile medicinal is used for improvement and face cleansing. It is very useful to rinse infusion of a camomile a fair hair. From it they get a beautiful golden shade, look healthy and silky.
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Excessive use of a camomile medicinal can make sick and dizzinesses. It is not recommended to be fond of use of a camomile medicinal to pregnant women, and also the people inclined to a diarrhea as it has the expressed laxative effect.


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