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What type of fitness to choose?

Бикрам-йога - стоп целлюлит
Bikram-yoga - stop cellulitis
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Bikram-yogu also call hot yoga. It is possible to be engaged in this type of fitness at any age. A contraindication is unless problems with cardiovascular system. Lessons of bikram-yoga can be conducted in the conditions close to climate of India. Air indoors heats up to 40 degrees that, undoubtedly, influences vessels and heart. Such heat promotes a warming up of sheaves and muscles, and effectively save from cellulitis.
Банька для разогрева
Bath for a warming up
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For fight against cellulitis specialists advise the warming procedures: sauna, bath, hot wrappings. During these procedures, also as well as at occupations bikram-yoga, sweating amplifies that promotes removal of toxins from intercellular space. And it is one of necessary processes helping to get rid of "orange-peel".
Кор-тренинг - для координации
Box training - for coordination
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Recently programs in which exercises are carried out on an unstable surface enjoy the increasing popularity. It is possible to be engaged in box training even in old age. A platform for such occupations are special unstable surfaces which force a body to keep balance. It promotes the strengthened energy expenses, more calories are burned, muscles of a stomach and a backbone train.
Немного фактов о кор-тренинге
It is a little facts about box training
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Researchers of the American college of sports medicine note that people who are regularly engaged in box training fall on an uneven or slippery surface less often. In the hall for curling even the experiment which showed that women in slippery footwear or high-heeled lost balance 40% less, than unexercised was put.
Фламенко - для гибкости
Flamenco - for flexibility
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The flamenco can be danced at any age. Lessons can be both group, and solo. To women of a flamenco helps to disclose sensuality and feminity. An additional bonus of dance is plasticity and flexibility, a correct posture, endurance and force of legs. Dancers of a flamenco get used to go with highly raised head and the straightened shoulders. And twisting of the case in dance gives a wasp waist.
Фламенко от варикоза?
Flamenco from varicosity?
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Characteristic detail of a female flamenco – сапатеадо – rhythmical blows by soles and heels of boots on a floor. According to many scientists, such drumbeat is excellent prevention of a varicosity. Besides, the flamenco is fine therapy for uncertain in own attractiveness and constraining women.
Хупинг - для пресса
Huping - for a press
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The gymnastic hoop, or abuse-hup, is known to all of us long ago. Earlier we just twisted it on a waist. But now the huping became the real last word in fashion in the western fitness. It appears, the hoop can not just be rotated, but also to carry out with its help of exercise for a breast, hands and a press. And it is necessary to twist it now on science: a certain number of times in one party, as much – in another, keeping at the same time the correct position of a body.
Факты о хупинге
The facts about a huping
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The American physicians from the Wisconsin university conducted examination of women at the age of 16-59 years which regularly twisted a hoop. According to data of a research, all of them felt several years more young than the biological age. In particular, they had the same as at women is 6-7 years younger which never twisted a hoop cholesterol level.
Стилетто - для лучшей опоры
Stiletto - for the best support
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Stiletto – fitness program in footwear on … a heel. Risk any: it is not necessary to run and jump, almost all exercises are carried out with a support on the choreographic machine. In Russia this direction of fitness is still unknown, but it is a matter of time. So far the similar effect can be gained from fitness programs during which it is necessary to put on dancing shoes (the jazz, a Latina, the ballet, ballroom dances, etc.).
Факты о стилетто
The facts about стилетто
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The direction of fitness стилетто was developed with the assistance of orthopedists from Milan hospital of San Rafayelle. The main goal of this direction – to teach the woman to distribute evenly weight on foot when she wears heels, to prepare ligaments and joints for circulation. At the end of a lesson carry out special warm-up which is useful to women after each exit on hairpins, will help to avoid negative effects for foot.
Слайд - для рельефа ног
Slide - for a relief of legs
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For all comers to tighten hips and to give the beautiful form to legs the aerobics on special slippery rugs will approach. On occupations it is necessary to dress special slippery boot covers, moving to whom, it is possible to imitate run on rollers or pipits. According to the conducted researches, a slide – fine means for weight loss of an internal surface of hips. The main movement in this type of fitness is sliding by legs.
Как проводятся занятия?
How classes are given?
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In addition to sliding, lessons included turns of the case, raising of legs, drop out, moves legs and hands. It can be both continuous driving, and alternation of exercises (drove a little, executed power exercises a little). The slide improves endurance, burns fat, trains heart and gives to muscles a tone.
Бег - против лишнего веса
Run - against excess weight
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Run – excellent means from excess weight. Run is even more useful to women, than to men, especially on long distances. According to researches of anthropologists from Harvard University, runnings on long distances whereas the sprint, owing to physiological features, is given them more difficultly are useful to women. Run will always help to hold weight within, without resorting to rigid diets.
Корректируем фигуру при помощи бега
We adjust a figure by means of run
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Run, probably, the only type of trainings which promotes transformation of a figure from the pear type in the hourglasses type. In all other types of trainings "pear" needs to swing top to correct it with a bottom. Run not only effectively burns fat below a waist, but also does volume muscles of buttocks and hips are more harmonious.


Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.