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Aromas for the house: danger and alternative

Поверхностно-активные вещества
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The anion surfactants (S) which are contained in the majority of fragrances can cause immunity disturbances, allergic reactions, and also damages of lungs, kidneys, a liver, a brain. They have property to collect in an organism. Their admissible concentration in air fresheners – no more than 5%.
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Phosphates are a general name for chemical compounds of phosphoric acid and various metals. As a rule, in fresheners use calcium phosphates, sodium and potassium. They break acid-base balance of cells of skin that leads to various dermatological diseases. Also they get into blood where can influence hemoglobin level. And it can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Взаимодействие фосфатов и ПАВ
Interaction of phosphates and surfactant
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Interacting, anion surfactant and phosphates do to an organism double harm. Phosphates strengthen toxic action surfactant and create favorable conditions for penetration surfactant through skin. They can collect in an organism, causing development of such diseases as atherosclerosis, emphysema, a hyperemia, etc.
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Aldehydes – the glutaric aldehyde, glyoxal, formaldehyde which are contained in many air fresheners are active allergens. Liquid aldehydes and their couples carry to poisonous components. They can cause dermatitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and even asthma.
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Amiltsinnamal is one of the most widespread components of flavoring means. It is also capable to cause various allergic reactions therefore attentively read composition of fragrances before acquisition.
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Vapors of benzene can get through skin. And the regular contact even with small concentration of benzene can become the reason of leukemia and anemia. Constant steam inhalation of benzene can lead to a sleep disorder and dizziness.
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The phthalates which are a part of fragrances provide stability of aroma, and cause suppression of function of a thyroid gland. According to some data, phthalates negatively influence development of a reproductive system in boys and activity of spermatozoa in men. By the way, in California there is a law according to which phthalates are forbidden to be used at production of children's toys.
Натуральный ароматизатор
Natural fragrance
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It is possible to provide a pleasant smell in the car and the apartment and without chemicals. Today there are companies specializing in production of natural, non-toxic fragrances. It is possible and to make a freshener independently. It is enough to part 3-5 drops of essential oil in 1 liter of water and to add 1 h l. alcohol. The sprayer with such mix can be used within 3 weeks.
Масляный ароматизатор
Oil fragrance
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One more fragrance which can be prepared independently. It is necessary to take 200 ml of children's oil, 4-5 drops of essential oil, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, several wooden sticks and a vessel with a wide neck with a diameter of 5-6 cm. All ingredients mix up and filled in in capacity. There also sticks are put. It is possible to use this mix 2-3 weeks, so far oil not to evaporate. And sticks should be overturned from time to time.
Ароматические свечи
Aromatic candles
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The candles made of natural wax with addition of various essential oils are an excellent alternative to chemical air fresheners. And here it is better not to use their paraffin analogs as for giving to aroma of firmness add diethyl phthalate which irritates mucous membranes and has negative effect on respiratory, central nervous systems, and also kidneys, a liver and a spleen to them.
Автомобильное решение
Automobile decision
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The toning and refreshing aromas best of all will be suitable for interior of the car: mint, lemon, coriander, needles, tangerine and bergamot. They will create on the way the correct atmosphere and will not allow to fall asleep driving, will effectively save from a headache. It is possible to put several sachets impregnated with a natural aromamasl or the stopper from a pith tree impregnated with favourite aroma in the car.


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During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.