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Management of anger

Гнев - симптом депрессии
Anger - a depression symptom
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Problems with a dream, fear, inexplicable sadness, apathy, lack of appetite – all this depression symptoms. The anger and aggression can be added to this list of symptoms also safely. Anger – one of components of such disease as a depression. In that case treatment of a depression can reduce the frequency of manifestation of anger.
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Count to 10
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When you become angry before telling something unpleasant to the opponent, slowly in mind count to 10. In anger it is possible to tell a lot of superfluous what then strongly to regret about. Sometimes, however, the anger reaches such scales that it is necessary to consider to 100. In time, while you slowly consider, the heart rate and blood pressure return to normal, overexcitation takes place, and you calm down.
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You learn to forgive
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Even if to you made something very unpleasant, forgiveness is a fine way to subdue anger. Forgiveness can help to cease to worry concerning current situation. The saved-up rage feeds anger and slowly but surely destroys you. Forgiveness does not mean at all that an act which was made in relation to you – correct. Just it gives the chance to release a situation and to forget about it.
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It is known that the best way to have a rest is change of a situation and type of activity. The same can be told also about anger. If you cannot bridle it in any way, try to distract. For example, wash the dishes, bring order to the house, take a walk, cook food, read jokes. Only you should not call the girlfriend, otherwise you will not be able to avoid temptation to discuss with her an unpleasant situation.
You breathe
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You feel that you ceased to control yourself? Make several slow breaths, and gradually cordial rhythm will return to normal. Breaths have to be deep and slow. Will not prevent to turn on the weakening music as a background. If attacks of anger became frequent, study several exercises of yoga directed to relaxation of muscles or register in group occupations.
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Accept the anger
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People who can identify the emotions resort to violence and aggression less often. The researches conducted in 2011 by scientists of Kentucky University confirmed it. The people understanding the feelings to a thicket concentrate on deep emotional experiences and are capable to establish the anger reason. As a result they cope with it quicker and less often suppress this feeling drugs and alcohol.
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Write that you think
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Writing down the thoughts on paper, we include the cognitive thinking that helps to find the rational solution in the circumstances. Therefore instead of giving a vent to the anger and to spoil the relations with the loved one, describe at first the feelings on paper. During this time both the anger will leave, and the reasonable solution will be found. It will allow you to reach agreement, to contemplate a problem and to reach reasonable compromise.
Physical culture
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The aerobics, swimming, run, walking can become excellent ways to get rid of aggression and anger. During sports activities production of adrenaline increases, the person begins to sweat and pant that gives vent peculiar to emotions, let also not in that way what would like. Besides, in the course of exercises production of endorphines which lighten the mood increases and help to cope with negative emotions.
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Think of drugs
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The speech not about that will cope with the anger by means of drugs. On the contrary, it is worth thinking, and suddenly the anger is a consequence of reception of certain medicines which were prescribed to you by the doctor? Analyze everything carefully and if you connected the anger, for example, with drug intake for decrease in cholesterol, then stop accepting it. And the anger will leave.
Не страдание, а сострадание
Not suffering, but compassion
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The anger and aggression do not match compassion in any way. Therefore try to make something good for the person which dements you. According to researches, response in the form of compassion is capable to disseminate anger of the opponent. Therefore if you had a dispute with the employee, instead of anger try to talk to it quietly. In most cases the opponent will get it together and too will begin normal dialogue.
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According to researches, such simple act of humanity as gratitude, is capable to make the person much more happily. Nobody forces you to feel gratitude to the one who made to you unpleasant. Just try to answer with gratitude various small pleasant acts, and you will feel much less often anger.


Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.