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Eye retina amotio: symptoms and treatment

О заболевании
About a disease
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The disease results from separation of a retina from a back wall of an eye which contains the blood vessels feeding a retina. There is it after a small rupture or formation of an opening in a retina as a result of a degeneration of a vitreous or age reduction. After detection of pathology the retina is recommended to be attached into place as soon as possible to minimize possible complications.
Причины отслойки сетчатки
Retina amotio reasons
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The eye injuries causing a gap in a retina, hereditary factors, old age which increases probability of a rupture of a retina, inflammatory processes are the most common causes of a disease. Also the people having severe short-sightedness, a diabetes mellitus, tumors or undergone cataract surgery get in recent times into group of the increased risk.
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Retina amotio at the person result such displays of a disease as a sight ambiguity, sudden emergence in sight of flashes of light or floating spots, a veil before eyes. Reduction of a field of vision is observed, the feeling is created that a part of a field of vision closes a shadow or a curtain.
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Initial symptom of a disease are photopsias (lightnings, flashes, sparks). Emergence them is connected with formation of impulses in a retina which are formed at hit of light and as a result of mechanical impact on it. Also amotio of a retina can be followed by emergence of floating points, threads, front sights under review.
Кольцо Вейса
Weiss's ring
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Sometimes the patient under review has a ring of rounded shape – Weiss's ring. This symptom testifies to amotio and a separation of a back hyaloid membrane. A naiad with it there are floating spots and spider lines under review caused by a vitreous hemorrhage from the damaged vessels owing to a rupture of a retina.
Выпадение участка поля зрения
Loss of the site of a field of vision
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Such symptom as loss of the site of a field of vision is frequent. It results from flaking of a touch layer of a retina that breaks visual processes of perception. This symptom arises not always. So, if process affected the departments which are in front from the equator of an eye, then it can not be. Patients observe lack of this symptom in the morning and emergence in its evening.
Снижение остроты зения
Decrease in sharpness of a zeniye
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Patients at whom peeling of a retina develops, note decrease in visual acuity, distortion of the sizes and a form of objects, a curvature of straight lines. Expressiveness of these symptoms depends on a disease stage.
Прогрессирование болезни
Progressing of a disease
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Retina amotio in an upper part of an eye progresses significantly quicker. It is connected with the fact that the liquid accumulating in subretinal space under the law of physics gradually falls down, causing peeling of lower parts. And here amotio of lower parts of a retina can not cause a long time of any discomfort in the patient and come to light only at distribution on macular area.
Диагностика отслойки сетчатки
Diagnosis of amotio of a retina
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If you observe above-mentioned symptoms, do not hesitate on a visit to the ophthalmologist. If necessary, he will appoint to you carrying out ultrasonic inspection and an angiography with introduction to blood of the special painting substances. It will allow to receive the sharp photographic image of blood vessels in an eye retina.
Методы лечения
Treatment methods
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Sometimes the retina of an eye can be attached again, using laser surgery or a cryosurgery (freezing of necessary fabric by means of liquid nitrogen). These techniques promote scarring of a rupture of a retina at the edges and its overgrowing. If strong amotio of a retina is observed, carrying out more difficult surgeries is required: sklerozirovaniye, vitrectomy and pneumatic retinopeksiya.
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Operation is performed under the general or local anesthesia, and patients can leave hospital in several hours after intervention. The surgeon through an operative microscope defines gaps or openings in a retina and by means of electric current, the laser or a cryoprobe pressurizes them. It leads to scarring of fabrics. After that attach a silicone or plastic coupler to an outside wall of an eye.
Пневматическая ретинопексия
Pneumatic retinopeksiya
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It is a modern method of treatment of peeling of a retina which is carried out under local anesthesia. Cryotherapy or the laser are applied to sealing of a gap or openings in a retina then the doctor enters a gas bubble with the purpose to push out peeling of a retina on a back wall into the area of a vitreous of an eye. The gas bubble disappears within 2-6 weeks. An important role in success of this treatment is played by the correct arrangement of the head of the patient after operation.
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This procedure is carried out in the particularly complex and heavy peelings which are followed by the pathological growth of blood vessels on a retina. The method is that in a sclera small openings through which the vitreous is completely removed and replaced with gas with the purpose to fill an eye are made and to move a retina. Eventually gas is absorbed and replaced with natural eye liquid.
Послеоперационный период
Postoperative period
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After operation common symptoms are dacryagogue, discomfort, hypostasis and reddening of eyes. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that eyes some time will bring you discomfort, and for simplification of postoperative symptoms appoint eye drops. Within several months after operation indistinct sight can be also observed that will demand purpose of points.
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To avoid a peeling recurrence, patients should be inspected regularly at the ophthalmologist, and also to use such defensors as a helmet with a protector for the person or goggles during active actions, for example, of sports activities.


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