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How to bring in the life it is more than positive?

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It is more than movement
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Today employment and lack of the movement lead to the fact that we receive calories more, than we spend. From here weight, slackness, excess weight. It is better not to jam a stress and a depression. Instead go to the gym, practice aerobics, yoga or dances. The body given to a tone will thank you. You will feel more vigorously and more vigorously. And the positive mood to you will be added by indispensable loss of kilograms.
Разгрузочные дни
Fasting days
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It is necessary to give itself rest and to allow the alimentary system at least once in a week also to have a rest from the works. Arrange fasting days. Choose food this day on the preference. Someone likes to eat during the day only apples, someone prefers juice, and it is possible to arrange one day on water. First to you it will be unusual, but then you will feel much more comfortably.
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Do not overeat!
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From an overeating weight is formed, the organism slowly works, there is a drowsiness. To avoid temptation to eat more, it is necessary to use small plateaus. On them the usual portion of food visually looks more, and the brain obtains information on saturation. Eat slowly, so food will better be acquired, and you will manage to feel saturation much quicker.
Get enough sleep
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It is difficult to be active and full of strength at a constant sleep debt. Having become chronic it leads to serious problems with health. It influences a condition of a nervous system, there is an irritability, depressive mood, memory worsens, there is an absent-mindedness, the immune system suffers. Such spirit not in the best way affects work and the relations with people. Add half an hour-hour by the usual time of a dream.
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You watch what you drink
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Be not fond of sweet carbonated drinks, Coca, energy drinks and, of course, alcohol. All these drinks are not created to satisfy thirst and to satisfy the need of an organism for liquid. It is rather on the contrary, they provoke the person to drink them in bigger volume. Give preference to usual drinking water, mineral water, juice to freshly squeezed, unsweetened compotes, green tea. In the mornings it is possible to afford a cup of fragrant coffee.
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Vitamins B help
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In the summer and lean on fruit and vegetables in the fall, eat berries, stock up with the word with vitamins. In the winter and add the diet with vitamin and mineral complexes in the fall. What to you to choose from the rich range presented in drugstores, your doctor will prompt. Timely appointed rate of vitamins will help you to get rid of fatigue, drowsiness and nervousness.
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Do not refuse milk
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Milk very useful product. Milk diet is often applied to bystry recovery of forces after a disease. To win against fatigue and to increase protective functions of an organism, include milk in the diet. If you not really love it, then use as additive, for example, filling in with it muesli. Vitamin D and calcium pass from myusly into milk and thus it is twice more useful to become.
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Eat enough cellulose
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Many of us receive only a half of standard daily rate of cellulose that, undoubtedly, not in the best way affects work of digestive tract. Fibers of cellulose clean intestines, regulate its work and prevent development of a colon cancer. It is possible to increase cellulose consumption at the expense of the wholegrain products, spinach, carrots, sweet red pepper and other products rich as well vitamins.
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Make food color
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Will allow to add bright paints and a positive multi-colored food. Be loaded with cheerful mood. Take fruit or vegetables of different flowers, depending on what you are going to prepare. On a bright plate cut red, yellow, green paprika, orange carrots, it is possible to include tomatoes, cucumbers, bush pumpkins, to add greens. If your salad fruit, then orange, a lemon, a kiwi, banana and garnet are necessary for you.
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You watch hygiene
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It is difficult to keep a positive spirit if you are disturbed by feeling of discomfort. You have to know that you look excellently. A clean body, well-groomed nails and hair, a pleasant smell, including from a mouth. Take care of hygiene, regularly you brush teeth, take a shower, change linen, use qualitative perfume. Not only people around will be grateful to you for it, you will feel more surely, more safely and more actively.
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You go on foot
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To go on foot – means to be in the fresh air. Oxygen plus the active movement help to improve health and even to affect outward. Regular foot walks promote acceleration of a metabolism, and you is imperceptible for itself will lose couple of extra kilos. Evening walks before going to bed, departure out of the city for the weekend, desire to pass couple of stops on foot – all this will help you to bring more positive in the life.
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It is more than sun!
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The lack of a sunlight influences a physical and psychoemotional condition of the person. It is known that the sunlight delivers us vitamin D which helps our organism to acquire calcium. Also light of the sun promotes production of serotonin in our brain, responsible for mood. Therefore for "recharge" all of us need enough solar energy.
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It is less than stresses
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The most part of stresses occurs in our life for the disrespectful reasons. We are often irritated because of trifles. To all fault general condition of an organism, stratification of many factors. Try to move away gradually them everything for now … smile. It is proved that sincerely smiling it is possible to lighten the mood to itself. And if you present the smile to someone else, it surely will return to you, having brought with itself the mass of positive emotions!
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We follow an example of Frenchwomen
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Frenchwomen have one rule which helps them to keep the figure in peak form and at the same time not to refuse to themselves anything. You will tell, it is impossible! Try to apply the rule of three stings. Bite off three times from a desired delicacy and … forget about it! So you and a figure do not do much harm, and psychological failure will not be.
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We increase endorphine level
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Endorphine is called natural drug, "happiness hormone". It is capable to enter the person into ecstasy, speak about such state "wings grew". So "to do some flying", it is necessary to increase endorphine level. Any positive experience promotes it as well as possible. The good movie, touching music or passionate kisses with darling – choose that from this you have more to liking!


Whether you know that:

Antidepressant Klomipramin causes an orgasm in 5% of patients.