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What will help to win against a stress?

Питание - источник энергии
Food - an energy source
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For maintenance of forces our organism needs food. But we are inclined to worry more about quality of gasoline in the car, than about quality of products which we eat. Fast food and drinks with caffeine make a basis of a diet of many people. On such "fuel" far you will not leave, and the organism begins to be tired and glitch quickly. Transition to healthy food (cereals, fruit, vegetables, green tea and water) will help to improve a situation.
Переживать по пустякам - не пустяк!
To worry on trifles - not a trifle!
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We are often inclined to dramatize events and to look for a reason for alarms even where it is absent. Having spent forces for experience about trifles, we exhaust the nervous system, we weaken immunity, and it is already not a trifle for our health at all. Not to endow important because of insignificant, it is necessary to treat easier disorders and to continue to develop in itself a positive spirit.
Сон - лучшее лекарство
Sleep is better than medicine.
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This statement is right also concerning stresses. The person needs to sleep not less than 7-8 hours a day. If to scorn this opinion, then chronically tired organism will react to problems extraordinary sharply and violently, namely having organized you an extraordinary stress. Specialists even recommend to compensate for the deficiency of a night dream day. Half an hour of a day dream by efficiency are equal to two hours of night.
Музыкальная пауза
Musical pause
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During a lunch break try to have a rest not only physically, but also intellectually. Listen to the pleasant pacifying music. If there is an opportunity to walk on the park, then it will bring double benefit. Upon return home it is also possible to include a beautiful melody which will help a body to relax, and to thoughts to gain tranquility and serenity.
Физическая активность на свежем воздухе
Physical activity in the fresh air
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Stresses attack people from all directions. Active physical exercises will help not to give them chance of a victory. All steam of trainings in a week will allow you to have a beautiful body and the updated consciousness. Self-confidence, optimism and high resistance to stress – destiny of the people taking active living position. More often be in the fresh air, the lack of a sunlight harmful affects health.
Сила медитации
Meditation force
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Meditation allows to put thoughts and feelings in order. And who as not they are responsible for our psychoemotional state. Being brought during the meditation session to a balanced and quiet state our emotions are less subject to displays of a stress. To become internal state of the person tranquility and harmony.
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Find hobby to liking
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Interesting occupation helps to distract from sad thoughts. And if this occupation becomes the real hobby, then and time for negative thoughts the person does not have absolutely. Specialists advise to choose the occupations involving small motility. As there was it it is necessary not only to children for their full development, but also the adult for strengthening of health.


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Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.