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Simple steps for preservation of youth

Семена льна
Flax seeds
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By means of seeds of flax it is possible to clear an organism in the natural way. Such soft clarification will promote improvement of a condition of skin, nails and hair. Perhaps insignificant weight reduction. Apply flax seeds in the mornings, in 30 minutes prior to food, in volume of one tablespoon. It is important to chew carefully them, and then to wash down with warm water. This method is contraindicated to the people having stones in any bodies.
Витамин Е
Vitamin E
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For maintenance of youth and beauty of skin it is possible to use vitamin E. For this purpose it is necessary to buy glycerin and vitamin E in capsules. All this costs not much, and the result will be tremendous. Capsules it is necessary to puncture and mix previously their contents from 30 g of glycerin. To use the received mix as usual cream, putting it on a face soft roundabouts. Skin will become gentle and soft, wrinkles will be smoothed.
Вареная свекла
Boiled beet
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Include boiled beet dishes in the daily menu. This product promotes blood clarification that in turn influences the general condition of an organism. If blood is pure and healthy, then it will have a positive impact at work of internals and, undoubtedly, will affect outward.
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One more simple step for preservation of beauty and youth is inclusion in a daily diet of fifty grams of nuts of any kind. What such additive will affect? Thanks to the nutritious elements which are a part of nuts, the organism will be replenished with the substances helping nails and hair to become stronger and have healthy outward. Already in few weeks of use results will become obvious.
Репейно-горчичная маска для волос
Repeyno-gorchichnaya a mask for hair
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Beauty is, of course, beautiful hair. The simple mask on the basis of mustard and burdock oil will help to catch a magnificent and dense head of hear. For preparation of a mask dry powder of mustard is mixed with burdock oil (it is possible to replace with oil of germs of wheat) to density of sour cream and applied for thirty minutes on clean wet hair. Do a mask of times in three days. In a month positive changes in a condition of hair will be noticeable.
Масло зародышей пшеницы для ресниц
Eyelash oil of germs of wheat
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In a pursuit of beauty you should not forget also about eyelashes. Their captivating wave is capable to force to tremble male hearts. In order that was what to wave, it is necessary to take care of beauty also health of eyelashes. For this purpose in an empty and pure tube from under ink drip several drops of oil of germs of wheat. You apply means on eyelashes every evening before going to bed. Only month is required to you that your eyelashes became a thick and is longer.
Пяточки как у младенца
Piglet as at the baby
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Undoubtedly, the well-groomed woman her legs, in particular characterize a foot. How it is possible to take care of heels? In the evening after a shower put on the Piglet specially prepared structure from butter and several drops of oil of mint. Put on cotton socks and you go to bed. Performing the similar procedure of week three-four, you will be able to show with pride the Piglet, gentle, as at the baby.
Амарантовое масло
Amarantovy oil
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If in your first-aid kit or a cosmetics bag there is an amarantovy oil, then you will have no problems with extensions, burns and wrinkles. Oil is so universal that is excellent cosmetic and remedy. It is used both for the person, and for all body. In the presence of amarantovy oil you will get rid of many problems in appearance.
Скраб для тела
Body scrub
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You should not forget also about such simple means as a body scrub. It clears the surface of skin of the keratosic parts, at the same time massing and humidifying it. The srub can be prepared independently. For this purpose the glass of sea salt and glass of sour cream is required. It is better to take sour cream with high percent of fat content. Having mixed ingredients, apply them on a body, massage and wash away warm water. Skin will become smooth and updated.
Волосы без перхоти
Hair without dandruff
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What smart would not be hair if there is dandruff, then their beauty will remain unnoticed. It is possible to cope with dandruff by means of rinsing of hair water which part menthol oil is. It is simple to prepare it. On five liters of water add five drops of oil menthol and rinse hair after washing. Regularly performing this procedure, you will feel ease and freshness, and your hair will get rid of dandruff.
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In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.