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What leads to liver diseases

Дело вовсе не в вине
Business at all not in wine
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Civilization costs become the most common causes leading to a fatty disease of a liver, as a rule, namely: excessive tendency to food, a lack of the movement, the insulinrezistentnost leading to a diabetes mellitus. Not the last role is played here by also bad ecology, the contaminated water, products stuffed with industrial toxins, general hobby for extreme diets.
Fast food
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The Swedish scientists made an experiment during which the group of people twice a day used fast food, without playing sports. The result surpassed all expectations: only in a week at experimental it was possible to observe pathological changes in a liver which can be compared with long-term hobby for alcoholic drinks.
Почему фастфуд вреден?
Why fast food is harmful?
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In essence, fast food is not really qualitative saturated fats and "bystry" carbohydrates in combination with the protein represented here in an unprofitable proportion. It is known that "bystry" carbohydrates quickly turn into fatty stocks which are postponed in a liver. And if not to spend calorie, then they are postponed in such themselves "a fatty stock" for rainy day.
Плохая экология
Bad ecology
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The main function of a liver – processing of all harmful and unnecessary. The liver is responsible for splitting of toxins and harmful substances which the organism synthesizes as a result of a stress. And bad ecology – additional load of a liver which is not provided by the nature. There is a theory that epidemic of total obesity of the population is connected with bad ecology when excessive load of a liver does not allow it to work fully.
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Such addiction as tobacco smoking, too negatively influences a liver. At cigarette smoke there are carcinogens and other chemical components which are overworked and collect in a liver. And, smoking is dangerous not only to smokers, but also to those who just inhale cigarette smoke. Some substances which are contained in cigarette smoke eat in walls, and a long time negatively influence on people around.
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Today the pharmacology endures the real boom. In large laboratories there are banks of molecules from which new all diseases medicine is made. Undoubtedly, it is huge break of a civilization which, unfortunately, has also a reverse side. The majority of the anesthetizing drugs negatively influence a liver. Therefore before swallowing of headache pills, consult with the doctor.
Не количество, а качество
Not quantity, but quality
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And again about alcohol. Undoubtedly, abuse negatively influences a liver, but much more negative impact on it is exerted by alcohol of poor quality. Good snack – antioxidants and phospholipids is important for protection of a liver (olive, fish dishes, greens, сырь, vegetable oil, etc.). And here nutritional supplements and preservatives which contain in many products on which we got used to have a snack are harmful to a liver.
Какие продукты полезны для печени?
What products are useful to a liver?
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The main components of which liver cells consist are essential phospholipids. They contain in not refined vegetable oil much (especially soy, sesame and linen), fermented milk products, genuine milk, sunflower seeds and nutlets, soy, bean, fat sea fish.
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As the liver of the average city dweller is overloaded, needs additional top-dressing. For this purpose also gepatoprotektor which contain all substances, necessary for a liver, were developed: omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, essential phospholipids, etc. These drugs not only protect a liver from alcohol and toxins, but reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in bile and blood.
Как обнаружить болезнь печени?
How to find a liver disease?
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As in a liver there are no nerve terminations, it begins to hurt already when it is strongly inflamed and increased. Can tell the following symptoms about diseases of a liver: bitterness in a mouth, nausea, dandruff, a sharpening of sense of smell, drowsiness, fatigue and apathy, too dry, or, on the contrary, fat skin, dark stains and other enanthesis. In the presence of these symptoms it is necessary to visit the gastroenterologist.


Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.