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Ideal diet - what it?

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Correctly distribute a diet during the day
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For maintenance of the correct metabolism and level of sugar in blood it is necessary to eat each 3-4 hours. Thus, the correct diet has to consist of three main meals and two having a snack.
Начинайте свой день со стакана воды
Begin the day with a glass of water
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Before drinking a cup of morning coffee or tea, drink a glass of water with a lemon. It will help to balance work of a digestive tract and it is better to acquire nutrients during the day.
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Adhere to the principles of separate food
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It is better to combine proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) with the sheet greens and vegetables containing insignificant amount of carbohydrates, for example, with salad, cucumbers, tomatoes. The products containing carbohydrates have to be used separately from proteinaceous. Such principle of food improves digestion and increases duration of feeling of saturation.
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Make daily morning walk
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If to include in the day regimen between awakening and a breakfast morning walk, it will help to prepare an organism for work better. It is about walk with a dog or just short jog at quiet speed, but not about an intensive training.
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Pay due attention to a breakfast
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Approach selection of products for breakfast with special care. According to many nutritionists, porridge is the good choice as the fibers which are in it are digested slowly. From proteins, necessary for a breakfast, it is possible to add skim milk, low-fat yogurt, nuts or the hard-boiled egg.
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Drink a lot of water and other drinks
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Quite often the feeling of hunger is confused to thirst that finally leads to the use of excess calories. If taste of simple water is not pleasant, it is always possible to add a little juice of a citrus or other fruit to it that will give it aroma, but will not increase caloric content.
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Add useful products to a diet
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It is necessary to add various fruit and vegetables to a daily diet of an ideal diet, it is desirable – on a season. Rich with food fibers, they quickly and for a long time will satisfy hunger, and also will saturate with necessary vitamins and microelements and will improve metabolism process.
Будьте разборчивы в еде в вечернее время
Be picky in food in the evening
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Evening during rest in front of the TV or behind reading the book is nearly the most dangerous as at this time it is possible to eat uncontrolledly a large number of candies, cookies or other sweets. It is necessary to be prepared carefully for this time, having chosen for itself a few favourite and useful delicacies, for example, a few nuts and dried fruits.
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Use spices
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Smells stimulate flavoring receptors and cause feeling of saturation quicker at the use even of more low-calorie food. Besides, spices are capable to impact new relish to already usual dishes that is especially important at observance of certain diets.
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Take care of the necessary products in the refrigerator
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Useful products – the frozen and tinned vegetables, greens and fresh fruit, always have to be near at hand in order that at the appeared feeling of hunger there was no temptation to order pizza. Small knowledge of culinary art will help to prepare tasty and useful having a snack quickly.
Не заедайте стресс едой
Do not jam a stress food
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The stress is one of common causes of failure from a diet. In order that to avoid it, to prepare waste options better – the interesting book, favourite music, blogging or respiratory practice will help to endure a stress, without resorting to the use of a large number of food.
Будьте физически активными
Be physically active
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Physical activity is an integral part of any diet. However it is impossible to use exercises for justifications of increase in a portion of food. It is better to concentrate that exercises will help to raise energy level, to improve a dream and quicker to give to the body the desired form.
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In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.