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We strengthen nails: 15 checked methods

Оливковое масло и лимонный сок
Olive oil and lemon juice
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Heat 1 tablespoons of olive oil on the water bath, add to it couple of drops of lemon juice and apply with the massing movements the received mix on nail plates. It is better to do a mask for the night, after use having put on cotton gloves hands. The procedure it is possible will repeat two times a week, it well strengthens nails.
Морская соль
Sea salt
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The nutritious and strengthening tray from sea salt will be useful to nails. On 5 l of warm water it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of salt without aromadobavka. Take fingers in a tray about 20-30 minutes then wipe hands and apply on them fat cream. It is recommended to carry out the procedure of 10 days in a row then to take a break for 1 month.
Красный перец для укрепления ногтей
Red pepper for strengthening of nails
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For preparation of a mask for acceleration of growth and strengthening of nails it is necessary to take 0,5 h l. chili powder, 1 h l. fat hand cream, 10 drops of boiled water. To mix ingredients and 10 minutes to take on the water bath, to cool and grease with means nails an even layer, to take 15-20 minutes, to wash away water. It is recommended to use such mask once a month.
Воск для прочности
Wax for durability
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Ointment with beeswax well strengthens nails. For its preparation it is necessary to kindle 4 g of wax on the water bath, to take a yolk of one egg hard-boiled, to knead it a fork and to add to wax. To take a little peach oil and to add gradually to mix, holding it on slow fire. Such ointment can be used every day.
Лимонный сок
Lemon juice
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It is good to strengthen nails and helps to save them from a nevus pigmentosus lemon juice. Squeeze out about 1 tablespoons of lemon juice in a saucer and add 2 pinches of salt. Apply with a brush the received mix on nails, take 15-20 minutes then wash away water.
Йод и соль
Iodine and salt
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It is useful to do the strengthening trays on the basis of salt and iodine. Take a glass of warm water, dissolve in it 3-5 drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of salt. Take fingers about 15-20 minutes in such tray.
Йод от расслаивания
Iodine from stratifying
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Iodine well prevents stratifying of nails. It is enough to apply before going to bed of it on nails by means of a brush. At first nails will become yellow color, but by the morning iodine will be absorbed and nails will gain the usual color.
Сок кислых ягод
Juice of acid berries
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Juice of any acid berries, such as cowberry, currant, cranberry well will be suitable for care of nails. Take one berry and rub with it a nail and skin of a finger around it.
Расплавленный воск
The melted wax
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The melted beeswax is fine means for strengthening of nails. Take a little wax and melt it on the water bath. Lower finger-tips in the melted mix then lower them in cold water. Wax will stiffen on fingers. It is desirable to do this procedure before going to bed and to leave wax for the night, having put on from above cotton gloves. To apply twice a week for three weeks.
Травяной отвар
Grass broth
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The burdock root, camomile and St. John's Wort will be necessary for you for preparation of grass broth. Two tablespoons of collecting need to be filled in with a glass of boiled water, to allow to infuse and steam a little in this broth finger-tips. It is recommended to do grass bathtubs for nails not more often than 1 time a week.
Оливковое масло, мед и яйцо
Olive oil, honey and egg
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Take 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil, mix and warm up on a grass bath. Remove from fire and add 1 shaken-up egg to mix. It is recommended to soar hands in this tray 10-15 minutes then to rinse warm water.
Растительное масло, лимонный сок, мед
Vegetable oil, lemon juice, honey
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If you have brittle and fragile nails, you will be helped by such tray: warm on the water bath of a little vegetable oil, add to it 3 drops of iodine, on couple of drops of lemon juice and Solutio oleosa of vitamin A. Steam nails about 15-20 minutes.
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Gelatin perfectly strengthens and feeds the weakened nails. For preparation of a tray it is necessary to dissolve 0,5 tablespoons of gelatin in 1 glass of boiled water, to allow mix to cool down and lower in it nails for 10-15 minutes. It is possible to apply a gelatinous tray 2-3 times a week.
Глицерин и розовая вода
Glycerin and pink water
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This ointment well recovers natural color of nails. For its preparation it is necessary to take 1 h l. glycerin, 3 tablespoons of pink water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to mix and grease with mix nails.
Витамина А и Е
Vitamin A and E
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And finally it is possible to make the strengthening massage of nails with vitamins A and E. Neobkhodimo the massing movements to rub vitamins in nails then to wash out hands water. It is possible to buy vitamins in a drugstore.


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