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Amenorrhea reasons

Виды аменореи
Types of an amenorrhea
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The amenorrhea happens primary or secondary. Primary amenorrhea is when to 16-year age at the girl monthly did not begin. A secondary amenorrhea – when the woman had periods, but then for any reason stopped. The amenorrhea can be both an independent disease, and a symptom of any pathologies. Very important for treatment of an amenorrhea to find out its reason.
Хромосомные аномалии
Chromosomal anomalies
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The nature at the person put 23 couples of chromosomes. Women in the 23rd couple have to have two X chromosomes (the gonosomes which are responsible for work of gonads), at men – XY. For normal works of ovaries the woman needs to have two full-fledged X chromosomes in the 23rd couple. Any genetic deviations and disturbances can cause an amenorrhea.
Нарушение в работе головного мозга и гипоталамуса
Disturbance in work of a brain and a hypothalamus
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Disturbance of work of some departments of a brain and hypothalamus (that its area which controls a menstrual cycle), can cause an amenorrhea. Call this phenomenon the central amenorrhea, and severe stresses and emotional disturbances, serious exercise stresses, starvation and malnutrition are its main reasons. Sometimes, that the brain tumor is the reason of the central amenorrhea.
Нарушение в работе гипофиза
Disturbance in work of a hypophysis
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The hypophysis is responsible for hormonal balance in an organism. It produces own hormones (gonadotrophins) which give to ovaries signals to work on hours. At any disturbances of a hypophysis there can be an amenorrhea. When the hypophysis ceases to produce hormones, there comes the hypogonadotropic amenorrhea to which lack of sense of smell often accompanies.
Неправильное развитие половых органов
Maldevelopment of generative organs
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At a stage of pre-natal development of the girl problems with formation of generative organs can be observed that can be the cause of primary amenorrhea. For this reason it is necessary to conduct careful gynecologic examination always. For example, sometimes, that an exit from a vagina is narrowed or closed and, an exit for periods is blocked, and blood begins to collect in a uterus. Here it is very important to see a doctor in time.
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The most common cause of an amenorrhea at the woman of childbearing age – pregnancy. As soon as the oospore fastens in a uterus, the inside uterine layer ceases to be torn away, and begins to serve for embryo food. Many women, especially at a long cycle or with dysfunction of ovaries can learn about the pregnancy late enough.
Грудное вскармливане
Chest to the vskarmlivena
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If mother nurses the newborn, at her the amenorrhea which does not exclude an ovulation at all can quite be observed. Therefore even in the absence of monthly the woman has to use additional methods of contraception.
Прием гормональных контрацептивов
Reception of hormonal contraceptives
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Some women accepting hormonal contraceptives can suffer from such by-effect as an amenorrhea. After cancellation of contraceptives monthly can not come on an extent of 3-6 months. Such types of an amenorrhea are option of norm and have no serious effects for female health.
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The severe stress is capable to break temporarily work of a hypothalamus – department of the brain controlling production of hormones. The temporary amenorrhea can result from a stress and stop ovulations. After a while the organism returns to normal, periods renew.
Прием некоторых лекарств
Reception of some drugs
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The amenorrhea can result from reception of certain medicines: corticosteroids, antidepressants, neuroleptics and chemotherapeutic drugs.
Тяжелые заболевания
Serious illness
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Some chronic diseases, such as diseases of kidneys and liver, pneumonia, flu, can lead to emergence of an amenorrhea. As a rule, after recovery the menstrual cycle is completely recovered.
Синдром поликистозных яичников
Syndrome of polycystic ovaries
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Syndrome of polycystic ovaries (SPKYa) – quite common cause of an amenorrhea. At a polycystosis the level of men's hormones of androgens increases, normal work of ovaries is broken, quite often there is obesity.
Резкая потеря веса
Sharp loss of weight
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The hyponutrient, anorexia, sharp loss of weight can become the amenorrhea reasons. Full work of ovaries requires a certain ratio of fatty and muscular fabrics in an organism. Low weight breaks work of ovaries and, as a result, there is an amenorrhea.
Спайки в матке и маточных трубах
Commissures in a uterus and uterine tubes
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Quite often the amenorrhea develops after an acute inflammation of an inside layer of a uterus after the delivery, abortion or surgery. In such cases the amenorrhea is followed by infertility as in a uterus commissures are formed. Treatment of an amenorrhea in this case consists in carrying out hysteroscopy and an adhesiotomy.
Преждевременная менопауза
Premature menopause
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Normal the menopause at women arises after 50 years. But it happens that it can arise at women in 40 years that testifies to premature exhaustion of function of ovaries. Genetic predisposition is characteristic of so early menopause. The reasons of this disease are up to the end not found out. Most often it develops as a result of immune and genetic disorders.
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