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TOP-10 means of fight against cellulitis

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Healthy nutrition
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Improper feeding leads to a surplus of fatty deposits. Lymphatic system is not able to provide full circulation and outflow of the fulfilled lymph from a hypodermic fatty tissue, for further clarification. A balanced diet, an exception of harmful and dangerous products, enough liquid in a diet and observance of the mode of meal – the first and main step on the way of fight against cellulitis.
Активный образ жизни
Active lifestyle
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Moderate exercise stresses which will promote more intensive outflow of the fulfilled lymph from subcutaneous fat, to its clarification and reduction of volumes of fatty deposits are necessary for strengthening of circulation in an organism of blood and a lymph. Regular walks in the fresh air on average speed, special physical exercises with the strengthened load of problem places – the second, but not less important step of an anti-cellulite campaign.
Антицеллюлитные обертывания
Anti-cellulite wrappings
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An important role in fight against "orange-peel" of skin is played by anti-cellulite wrappings. For them the polyethylene film, thermoclothes or just well picked up fitting warm clothes and active anti-cellulite means – algas, medical dirt, blue clay, apple cider vinegar, honey or special creams are necessary for anti-cellulite wrappings.
Антицеллюлитный массаж
Anti-cellulite massage
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Anti-cellulite massage is a complex of external impacts on problem skin which problem reduction of a layer of fatty hypodermic deposits, disposal of tsellyulitny educations, improvement of a metabolism, strengthening of immune system and as a result improvement of the general condition of integuments. Technology of performance of anti-cellulite massage includes strokings, grindings, pressings and pats.
Антицеллюлитные маски
Anti-cellulite masks
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Masks against cellulitis become with use of the special means warming skin, strengthening inflow of blood to places of formation of cellulitis, promoting removal of excesses of liquid and fatty accumulation. Such components as powder of red burning pepper and mustard, honey, clay, the warmed wax, essential oils are recommended for these masks.
Антицеллюлитные скрабы
Anti-cellulite srubs
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Use of srubs from specially picked up components promotes peeling of skin with the subsequent removal of devitalized cells, to blood circulation improvement, clarification of a time. Srubs are rubbed by the massage movements that strengthens their action against cellulitis. Use for production of srubs the coffee thick or fresh ground coffee, oat flakes which are steamed out or crushed, honey, coarse salt, it is better sea, essential oils.
Антицеллюлитные ванны
Anti-cellulite bathtubs
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Special bathtubs, on condition of their use in a complex with other methods in this difficult fight can be rather effective remedy in fight against cellulitis. Water temperature has to be 37 °C, time of reception of 25-30 minutes, as active additives use sea salt (to 1,0 kg), essential oils, grass infusions, black and green tea, honey, the made melkonarezanny citrus, milk, dark chocolate.
Сауна или парная в борьбе с целлюлитом
Sauna or steam room in fight against cellulitis
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Fine means in an anti-cellulite campaign – visits of the Finnish sauna or Russian steam room. The strong short-term warming up of skin activates a blood stream, increasing inflow of nutritious elements and taking away toxins, slags, the fulfilled substances which are a cellulitis basis from a hypodermic fatty tissue. The water-salt balance is normalized, work of sweat glands is sped up, there is a removal of tsellyulitoobrazuyushchy substances.
Вакуумные банки
Vacuum banks
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Special banks from plastic, rubber, silicone are intended for anti-cellulite vacuum massage. On the problem skin which is previously oiled by anti-cellulite put to bank, having pressed on it so that it stuck to a body and could move. Can massage strengthens blood inflow, improving blood circulation and promoting removal from a hypodermic fatty tissue of products of working off, reducing tsellyulitny deposits.
Антицеллюлитные крема, масла, гели
Anti-cellulite cream, oils, gels
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Considering globality of a problem of cellulitis and wide target audience, the modern pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries offer a wide choice of means – creams, lotions, oils, gels, impregnations for bandage, aromatic drugs, plasters, dirt, soaps and many other things for fight against cellulitis. It is necessary to study attentively the instruction before use.


Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.