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What is a couperosis and as to struggle with it?

Что такое купероз?
What is a couperosis?
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The couperosis is a disease, but not a cosmetic problem. Such state is caused by expansion of the small vessels of skin arising owing to not inflammatory processes. As a rule, the couperosis on cheeks, a chin, nose wings is shown, but can also will develop in the field of a decollete and standing.
Причины заболевания
Causes of illness
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The couperosis advantage has inborn character and develops as a result of disturbance of formation of vessels in the embryonal period. In most cases the couperosis is a symptom of diseases of a liver, a rozatse, heart failure. The couperosis can also will arise owing to hormonal therapy, before pregnancy. Most often owners of thin and sensitive skin suffer from vasodilatation.
Уход за кожей
Care of skin
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At tendency to a couperosis it is necessary to look after skin very carefully even if the vascular reticulum is almost imperceptible. In pharmaceutical cosmetics there is a set of antikuperozny complexes. Preventive cosmetics should be used several times a week, it is recommended to do masks. In cases when reddenings are especially noticeable, it is possible to use the high-concentrated serums.
Укрепление сосудов
Strengthening of vessels
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The main task of the funds allocated for elimination of reddenings is strengthening of vessels. Well lotions and cream with vitamins, vegetable oils, extracts of a horse-chestnut and ginkgo of a bilob help. Also well byyuti-complexes on the basis of algas and thermal water, rich with microelements help. If your skin is sensitive on external negative impacts, pick up cosmetics with cordianine.
Очищение кожи
Clarification of skin
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For clarification of skin use delicate means – soft lotions without alcohol, micellar water, hydrophilic oils. And here means on the basis of alcohol are categorically contraindicated. Also it is not recommended to use srubs with coarse particles (apricot stones, a walnut shell). Instead of them use easy enzymatic peelings, with enzymes of pineapple, a kiwi, papaya.
Что запрещено?
What is forbidden?
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All suffering from a couperosis need to refuse any aggressive cosmetics, and also washing by hot water. Under a ban ice compresses, steamings of skin and even massage procedures not only in house conditions, but also professional.
Когда нужна помощь профессионала?
When the help of the professional is necessary?
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If the condition of your skin, despite careful leaving, continues to worsen, reddenings cannot already be disguised and no house methods and means help, then, perhaps, time to ask for the professional help came. What methods of controlling with a couperosis exist?
Electrothermic coagulation
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It is a classical way which is known several decades. Means cauterization of an affected area high-frequency current that updates fabrics, recovers vessels and removes redness. Result – in 5-7 days skin gets an equal shade and becomes smooth. Such complications as hems and a nevus pigmentosus are in certain cases possible.
Лазерная терапия
Laser therapy
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It is more modern method which quickly and effectively saves from a vascular reticulum. The risk of developing of a burn is minimum. The majority of lasers has the cooling system which takes off pain during a procedure. The procedure afterbirth some time can remain small reddening. It is possible to refer risk of pigmentation and hems to shortcomings of laser therapy. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure in the summer.
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This method the least traumatic, but also the least productive. Consists in injection administration of ozonokislorodny mix in the damaged vessels. After a prick there can be small reddenings and hypostases, but several days later the vascular reticulum becomes less noticeable. The procedure of ozonotherapy is quite painful therefore it will be usually out under local anesthesia.
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The phototherapy is considered a universal way of treatment of a couperosis. She has a minimum of side effects and helps to cope effectively with a constant flush on cheeks. During the procedure pulse light which by means of sharp temperature increase in a body sticks together expanded walls of vessels is used.
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This method something is similar to phototherapy. Special substance which corks a gleam of vessels is entered into the area of a vessel, bringing in a result to accretion of its walls. It leads to the fact that blood ceases to come to it, and skin in this place becomes normal color. During the procedure the easy pricking can be felt, but in general sclerotherapy is quite painless.
Рекомендации по образу жизни
Recommendations about a way of life
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Even the most modern methods and the help of professionals, despite notable and noticeable effect, will not be able to eliminate the disease prime cause. That it was regularly not necessary to resort to services of cosmetologists, try to follow some rules in a way of life.
Нормализуйте питание
Normalize food
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Minimize the use of smoked products, fat and hot dishes. For strengthening of walls of vessels accept periodically vitamin and mineral complexes. Especially pay attention to vitamins K, PP and Page. Refuse alcohol intake and nicotine. The only exception makes red wine, but no more than two glasses a week.
Защищайте кожу от негативных воздействий
Protect skin from negative impacts
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At a couperosis it is important to protect skin from influence of negative external factors. Regularly use sun-protection means, even in winter time. Use cosmetics with the sun-protection filter not lower than 15 units. The sunbed and a sauna are contraindicated to you. In your case their harm for vessels significantly exceeds advantage for an organism.


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