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Reasons of female loneliness

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Subconscious unwillingness of changes
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One of the reasons of female loneliness specialists call subconscious unwillingness of changes. Externally the woman as though wants to live in the union, but internally is not ready to it. Successful ladies are especially subject to this syndrome. They have a career, money and own tenor of life which with arrival of the man can cardinally change. Therefore, got used to be the hostess, the woman does not hurry to leave the loneliness.
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Existence of complexes
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To some girls difficult not only to get acquainted with the man, but also to hold him nearby. The complexes which appeared in the childhood or teenage age, and perhaps acquired from last failures do not allow to feel assured and liberated. And men often do not have patience, and they instead of waiting when the woman opens, prefer to move off in new searches.
Боязнь не понравиться
Fear not to be pleasant
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One of the reasons for which the woman cannot let in the man the life – fear not to be pleasant to it. Perhaps, it effects of education or uncertainty in own forces. Psychologists declare that if you are not pleasant to yourself, then you will hardly be pleasant to people around. Fall in love with yourself and believe that you the personality, noteworthy – and very soon it at you will appear.
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The beautiful woman with good character can not meet the man of the dream if she leads a solitary life. To have an opportunity for acquaintance, it is necessary to visit different places, but not to stay at home also at office. Go there where there are people of your focus of interest. If you the fan of history, ancient books and objects of art, then it is hardly interesting to you in a sports pivbar and vice versa!
Семейные стереотипы
Family stereotypes
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Some women are afraid to form a family because of fear to repeat bitter experiment of the parents. Perhaps, they grew up in a family where violence or frequent quarrels was norm, and now feel panic horror before family life. It seems to them that they are simply doomed to similar succession of events and it, of course, prevents them to lead the real life. In the presence of such problems not to do without the help of the psychologist.
Прошлые неудачи
Last failures
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Not each woman transfers experience of last failures to the new relations, but sometimes it happens. It is especially heavy when repetition of a situation follows. Begins to seem to the woman that there is with her something not so that she is not capable to interest the man and that instead of subjecting itself to new pain and new disappointments, it is the best of all to remain one.
Отрицательный взгляд
Negative look
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Conducting researches in the field, psychologists noticed one interesting feature. The woman who is aimed at marriage and a family sees only positive sides in the elect, she as if does not notice his shortcomings. While the potential lonely woman at once notices all defects, on the contrary ignoring advantages. The women suffering from loneliness should analyze this observation concerning themselves.


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