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15 myths about cancer

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Operation is only capable to do much harm
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Perhaps, the most popular belief is that many consider that operation promotes bystry distribution of metastasises. Undoubtedly, if the surgeon has no enough experience in oncology – there can be anything including dispersion of pathological cells during operation. Therefore it is necessary to treat cancer only in oncological clinics where results of surgical cancer therapy will be much higher.
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Cancer medicine was already invented
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Many patients consider that universal cancer medicine is already invented, but pharmacologists and doctors carefully keep this secret not to lose the income. But if to think logically, then, on the contrary, on such medicine doctors could just become rich. Unfortunately universal cancer medicine is not present and cannot be.
При раке обезболивающие средства неэффективны
At cancer anesthetics are inefficient
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Actually efficiency of anesthetics at cancer just the same, as well as at other diseases. The difference consists that at cancer the patient is forced to accept analgetics a long span that causes accustoming. Partially change of a method of anesthesia and an analgetic helps to solve this problem.
Рак неизлечим
Cancer is incurable
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Modern medical technologies allow to cure the majority of oncological diseases completely. Another thing is that efficiency of therapy in many respects depends on at what stage the disease was revealed. The main danger of cancer is lack of symptoms at its early stages therefore it is very important to carry out periodically diagnosis of an organism on existence of various diseases.
Рак - самая страшная болезнь
Cancer - the most dreadful disease
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Cancer – a dreadful disease, but not most. There is a set of other fatal diseases. For example, a half of all death from diseases (50-55%) are the share of cardiovascular pathologies, and die only 17% of the population from cancer. If suddenly people on all earth ceased to have cancer, average life expectancy grew only for one year. And here if the mankind got rid of obesity – for 4 years.
Рак всегда дает рецидив
Cancer always recrudesces
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Actually it not so. The majority of types of cancer are curable for 100% and the patient can forever forget about this disease. One of the main indicators of radicalism of cancer is five-year survival. If the patient endures this term, then it has the same life expectancy, as well as all others.
Рак лучше лечить за рубежом
Cancer it is better to treat abroad
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Treatment in foreign clinic will be many times more expensive, than in Russia, at the same time results of treatment do not concede in the leading domestic clinics to similar foreign at all. The main thing – that was enough funds for expensive drugs.
Раньше рака не было
Before cancer was not
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Cancer existed at all times. References of this disease, descriptions of diagnostic methods and treatment are in many medical treatises which remained for today. At a research of one Egyptian mummy in her bones the changes characteristic of defeat were found by metastasises.
Можно изобрести универсальное лекарство от рака
It is possible to invent universal cancer medicine
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Here It should be noted that cancer call all malignant tumors. But cancer can arise in any body. At the same time types of cancer there is a set: sarcoma, teratoma, melanoma, lymphogranulomatosis, etc. Each of them has the features. In fact, they are the different diseases united in one group therefore it is impossible to find one medicine for treatment of all these tumors.
Доброкачественная опухоль - это тоже рак
The benign tumor is cancer too
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Actually benign tumor can outgrow in malignant, but it happens rather seldom as most of them is not capable to regeneration. But also the benign tumor is capable to cause many troubles. Therefore it also needs treatment and observation, but too itself should not be slighted in this respect – nervous cells are not recovered.
Рак передается по наследству
Cancer is descended
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Actually not the disease, but predisposition to it is transmitted. There is even a term "cancer families" when specific genes are descended. Therefore those at whom in a sort cases oncological diseases were observed should make thrifty use of the health, to periodically undergo diagnosis and to lead the correct life. But if in a family nobody had cancer, it does not mean at all that he does not threaten you.
Рак заразен
Cancer is infectious
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Cancer is not infectious, and it is confirmed by numerous researches. The only virus which can be transmitted from the person to the person and significantly increases cancer cases - it is a papilloma virus. For today active researches for development of a vaccine about a papillomavirus are conducted.
При лечении рака эффективны БАДы
At cancer therapy dietary supplements are effective
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There is no fact confirming any influence of dietary supplements on already available tumor. And here for prevention of cancer biological additives will not prevent. Besides, dietary supplements help to improve a condition of the patient during treatment.
Рак лечится травами
Cancer is treated by herbs
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Patients, resorting to treatment of oncological diseases of herbs, sometimes, miss precious time and chances of successful recovery. At malignant tumors correctly picked up officinal herbs are capable to give relief and to remove an inflammation at the expense of what pains disappear, nausea and vomiting, improves the general condition of the patient. But growth of malignant cells, unfortunately, does not stop.
Нетрадиционные методы более эффективны
Nonconventional methods are more effective
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The people who learned that they have cancer feel great fear, and many swindlers try to earn from this fear of money. In drugstores it is possible to buy various drugs from a spark cartilage, poisonous mercury salt and others absolutely inefficient in fight against cancer of components. Therefore the best that you can make to help yourself with treatment of oncology – to address the experienced oncologist.


Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.