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We fight against cracks on heels

Основные симптомы
Main symptoms
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Healthy heels have to be smooth and soft. Insufficiently moistened and coarsened skin demands leaving as it can lead to emergence of cracks on heels. It is not necessary to delay with treatment to the moment until pain when walking becomes intolerable. If to take measures at emergence of the first symptoms of discomfort and the increased fatigue of legs in the evening, it is possible to avoid long therapy using medicines.
Причины возникновения
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Origins of cracks on heels can be various. It can be as long wearing close and inconvenient footwear, and a lack of vitamins of group A and E or various disturbances of exchange processes – amino-acid or proteinaceous. Also cracks rather often arise because of fungal infections, in the presence of excess weight and can accompany various hormonal diseases.
Когда не обойтись без врача
When not to do without doctor
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If emergence of cracks is caused by insufficient hygiene, inconvenient footwear or age changes, there is usually enough house treatment with trays and the moisturizing creams. However if the reasons of their emergence are connected with disturbances of exchange processes, it is better to see behind consultation a doctor. In this case in addition to outside means change of food or purpose of necessary vitamin complexes can be required.
Чего следует опасаться
What it is necessary to be afraid of
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Cracks on heels not only make impossible wearing open footwear, but also in certain cases constitute health hazard. If they rather deep, then at bad hygienic leaving the serious inflammation can develop. The appeared reddenings, pustules and swellings can testify to the begun infection. If at the same time temperature increases, then it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.
Профессиональный уход
Professional leaving
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If there is no threat of infection and, so the reasons to see a doctor, to help get rid of cracks on heels the specialist of beauty shop can. As a rule, this procedure short also consists several layers of skin, cleaning of edges of cracks and drawing the healing means of professional cosmetics at a distance. Usually for healing there are enough several visits of salon, however it does not exclude identification of origins of cracks.
Домашний уход - лечебные ванночки
Home care - medical trays
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Among others measures of home care cosmetologists recommend to do before going to bed trays for legs. Usually the procedure does not take more than 10-15 minutes, and soda and soap trays reckon with addition of salt and natural oils as the most effective. It is also possible to add broths of various herbs – a St. John's Wort, a camomile, series, a sage, a calendula or bark of an oak. Depending on expressiveness of cracks from 5 to 10 procedures can be required.
Лекарственные средства
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In drugstores rather wide choice of means for mitigation of skin of feet which can be used at treatment is presented. As a rule, these structures contain vaseline, an aloe or glycerin, and also various vegetable components promoting healing. If necessary antifungal ointments and means with antibiotics are applied. It is the best of all to impose ointments for the night on the steamed-out skin of feet.
Народные средства
Folk remedies
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Traditional medicine offers various options of treatment of cracks on heels. Among them – rubbing in of olive oil and applying of a fresh cabbage leaf. Compresses from mix of grated apple and onions, from honey and from the crushed boiled potatoes in uniforms are considered rather effective. However it is necessary to treat similar recommendations with care and not to postpone a visit to the doctor.
Профилактика возникновения
Emergence prevention
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For prevention of emergence of cracks on heels daily hygienic care of skin of feet with their careful moistening, especially in hot season is recommended. Besides, it is necessary to watch the food – it has to be various and saturated vitamins, necessary for skin. It is the best of all to refuse wearing inconvenient and close footwear.
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