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Diet – it is important

Режим питания – это важно
Diet – it is important
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Diet – time of meal and its number, distribution of the daily menu on energy value, a set of products, chemical composition, intervals between meals and time necessary on food. Correctly made diet – a basis of normal life activity, a healthy lifestyle, a good physical shape and longevity.
Четырехразовый прием пищи оптимален
Four times meal is optimum
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Between the main meals intervals have to be not less than 4-5 hours. In order that the food which came to an organism completely was digested and was well acquired time is necessary. Considering this fact, optimum there are four times a day, it is desirable at the same time.
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To exclude frequent having a snack
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It is not necessary to have a bite in intervals between the main meals, at the same time the rhythm of activity of digestive organs is broken, efficiency of their work decreases, process of digestion of nutrients is broken and overall health worsens. An exception – fractional food in the small portions when the interval between meals of 2-3 hours is allowed, but only if food digestible and its quantity is small.
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Correct distribution of products
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It is necessary to distribute correctly a daily diet on the volume, caloric content and nutrition value between receptions. In four times food for breakfast and a dinner about 25% of the daily menu, have to fall on a lunch of 35%, the second breakfast or an afternoon snack of 15%, it is necessary to have supper in 3-4 hours prior to a dream. A breakfast and a lunch – the difficult food including animal protein, necessary fats, carbohydrates for an afternoon snack and a dinner – phytalbumins, cellulose.
Еда не совместима с физическими нагрузками
The food is not compatible to exercise stresses
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Food is load of an organism at which the circulatory system has to supply digestive organs necessary for the strengthened work as energy, then distribute the arrived nutrients on bodies and fabrics. It is not necessary to eat food some time to, after or during physical or mental work, it will damage to both work and digestion.
Тщательное пережевывание – важный элемент пищеварения
Careful chewing – an important element of digestion
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Process of digestion of food begins in a mouth, saliva contains the special enzymes promoting the beginning of digestion. Better the chewed food is digested more qualitative and more stoutly, and all nutrients which are contained in it come to an organism. In time necessary for a chewing, all other bodies and systems have a rest, recovering energy.
Вода в режиме питания
Water in a diet
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It is not necessary to wash down food, getting into a stomach along with food, water leaves it within 10 minutes, washing away the gastric juice necessary for digestion of food developed at this time that complicates digestion. At the same time the water drunk in 10-15 minutes prior to food, on the contrary, speeds up work of intestines, improving these process of digestion and assimilation of products.
Корректировка режима питания
Correction of a diet
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At any changes in an operating mode, climate, state of health, and also taking into account specific features of an organism the diet should be adjusted. For example, in the summer during a heat appetite decreases, secretion of glands of digestion is oppressed, motility of a digestive tract therefore it is necessary to redistribute a daily diet is broken, having reduced energy value of a lunch, having transferred it to a breakfast and a dinner.
Индивидуальность режима питания
Identity of a diet
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Correctly made diet, taking into account individual requirements, food preferences, the schedule and a way of life, guarantee of full and effective work of an organism.
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