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Life with a diabetes mellitus

Ежедневный осмотр
Daily survey
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Daily after a shower pay attention to a condition of skin of the body. Check whether there were no areas with the shelled or reddened skin. The special attention is deserved by places of the increased humidity, such as armpits, inguinal area, skin under a breast and feet. These zones are optimum for development of bacteria and demand additional leaving.
Ваш друг - глюкометр
Your friend - the glucose meter
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In the presence of such disease as a diabetes mellitus, there is a need for regular change of level of sugar. Therefore it is necessary to buy the glucose meter – the device available to everyone. Level of sugar should be measured in the mornings, at once after awakening, and also in the evening, just before a dream. Therefore the bedside table will become the convenient place of storage of the glucose meter. Morning norm of 90-130 mg/dl, evening – 110-150 mg/dl.
Инсулин в помощь
Insulin in the help
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People active which all do literally on the run have no time to think of a disease and to reduce speed. But it is also not required to them. If meal for any reasons is late, then insulin of short action can help out. At use of this drug, within thirty minutes from the moment of reception, glucose level in blood will be adjusted to optimum.
Живительная влага
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Water for patients with a diabetes mellitus is vital. The increased level of glucose dehydrates an organism and negatively influences a condition of skin. The dry, cracked skin is an easy mark for any infections and poorly protects an organism from their penetration inside. Therefore preservation of health of skin very important and for this purpose it is necessary to organize the correct drinking mode, drinking more than two liters of water a day.
Физические нагрузки
Exercise stresses
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It is possible to control diabetes and by means of physical occupations. Will help to watch over the health in this respect of short, but intensive loadings. They should be distributed for all day and to diversify whenever possible. For example, in the morning you can give ten minutes to active exercises, to participate in outdoor games with the child in the afternoon, and to walk an amble in the evening.
Уход за ногами
Care of legs
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At a diabetes mellitus there can be such complications as changes of a condition of the lower extremities. The risk of getting injured, callosities and other injuries of skin increases. Therefore sick diabetes does not recommend to go barefoot, always to wear convenient shoes, and to indoors put on slippers. Similar recommendations remain also in the summer, during stay on the beach.
Предметы первой помощи
Objects of first aid
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For the people having diabetes, necessities are lollipops or tablets of glucose. They have to be always at themselves, on a case of developing of hypoglycemic crisis. The attack of a hypoglycemia is characterized by acute sense of hunger, nausea and a shiver in a body. Symptoms arise because of falling of level of glucose in blood below limits in 70 mg/dl. The overdose of anti-diabetics or a lack of food can become the reason.
Спорт и сахарный диабет
Sport and diabetes mellitus
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At a diabetes mellitus it is not forbidden to play sports. But as after intensive exercise stresses glucose level in blood can sharply go down, it is necessary to measure this level before and after trainings. Not to forget about it, it is necessary to attach on the sports bag a usual label with a text "to measure sugar". It will help to prevent a hypoglycemia attack, having timely reminded of the necessary procedure.
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The products which are not increasing sugar level in blood have to make a basis of your diet. You can make the list of such products that will significantly facilitate your purchases in shop. Are recommended for the use: the beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, whole cereals, milk and yogurt fat-free vegetables green sheet, fruit and citruses, berries, nuts, a salmon, a mackerel, a herring, a white tuna and a halibut.
Идентификационный браслет
Identification bracelet
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For patients with a diabetes mellitus such important accessory as an identification bracelet is provided. In certain circumstances its existence can save to the person life. In a stroke a code of a bracelet information on the course of a disease at this patient is ciphered and when reading by the special equipment, the doctor can learn about a condition of the patient and without his help. If such service is available to you, then use it.
Аптечка в шаговой доступности
First-aid kit within walking distance
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At diabetes even the small wound can lead to serious inflammatory process. On such case it is necessary to have at itself the first-aid kit including hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial agent (cream or ointment) and sterile bandage. At more serious damages it is necessary to ask for the qualified medical care in the nearest emergency station.


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