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How to make meteoric career

Начинайте день раньше и заканчивайте позже
Begin day earlier and finish later
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Nothing so distinguishes the good worker as working capacity and an initiative. There are people working for return and with soul, and there are "paper pushers" who are sitting out the working day full time. How you think to whom the management will give preference in promotion? The statistics demonstrates that the employees working more than the others promote much quicker.
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Do more, than expect from you
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To work hard – yet does not mean to work intelligently. Some employees manage to stay behind work the whole day, and others are capable to execute effectively it in a couple of hours. Learn to dispose most rationally of own time, you aim to surpass always expectations of the head, constantly raise a level. It will become a signal for the head to your increase.
Найдите себе наставника
Find to yourself the mentor
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Do not hesitate to ask the head or more experienced colleague to train you in everything that he knows in the sphere. If your head apprehends such rush as threat to the situation, then, perhaps, you should think of search of new work as here promotion hardly shines you.
Исправляйте свои ошибки
Correct the errors
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If your head remained is dissatisfied with results of the work done by you, show enthusiasm and correct the errors. Mediocre employees, as a rule, answer something it seems: "It is a pity to me that I could not cope with an objective". And you should answer so: "What I need to make that you were satisfied with my work?". Without mistakes professional growth is impossible. But if you want to become a head, you have to be able to work on them.
Не скрывайте от руководителя своих ошибок
Do not hide from the head of the mistakes
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If you made a mistake and faces the choice – to tell about it to the administration or to keep silent – make the first. Sooner or later the truth all the same will emerge, however suppressing it, you can threaten your head and reputation of firm, and also to lose trust. And it is very difficult to recover the lost trust.
Проявляйте инициативу
Show an initiative
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Your head is interested in that you most quickly performed the work that he could give you additional work. The more additional work it will be able to give you, the nezamenimy you for it will become. Try to perform the work most qualitatively, help the colleagues with improvement, but do not forget about sensitivity. It is important that the head did not feel that you mark on his place.
Доводите дела до конца
You finish affairs
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For the head the most irritating factor is when the employee does not finish the business assigned to it. Quite often the head does not explain all subtleties of the project, he calculates that you will ask it the interesting questions. Here also set them, but do not throw begun on the middle. Also you remember that your head often has 3 times more affairs, than at you therefore if he does not give you the answer at once, ask it later.
Следуйте инструкциям
Follow instructions
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Only the one who is able to submit will be able to direct. Yes, the head is interested in your valuable ideas, but to him it is just necessary for a thicket that you carried out those tasks which it assigned to you according to requirements. You will become the invaluable employee if your head is sure that it is possible to rely on you.
Работать и еще раз работать
To work and to work once again
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To grow to the level of the average head, you have to learn to work as much how many and it (not on a number of hours, and on the number of projects). You remember, miracles do not happen. Only working at level with the head, you will be able to rise by his step.
Уважайте начальство
Respect the administration
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If you do not respect the administration, then you should look to yourself for other work and other administration which will become for you authority. Only then you will be able to study and develop professionally. The law of hierarchy also says: if you do not respect the subordinates, then do not wait from them for respect for yourself. Remember it on the future.
Деликатно сообщайте об ошибках начальства
Delicately report about administration mistakes
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If you noticed that your head made a mistake, report about it as much as possible delicately. You should not speak: "Why you can be mistaken, and to me is not present?". The head is your teacher, and you the pupil. Is more useless to the pupil to point to the teacher's mistakes.
Не сплетничайте о шефе
Do not gossip about the chief
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Gossips always lead to loss of sincerity and trust. The chief learns sooner or later that you gossiped about him and as the result, will begin to advance less actively you on service, will not stand firm for you at reductions.
Ведите здоровый образ жизни
Lead a healthy lifestyle
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To succeed in the professional sphere, it is necessary to be physically hardy and to have a good stock of energy. Playing sports, observing the correct diet and a dream, you fill up the power stock. Undoubtedly, many heads lead the wrong life, but what pleasure they derive from success if they constantly test a syndrome of chronic fatigue?
Помните - вы зависите от руководителя
You remember - you depend on the head
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Forget that you work in firm – you work for the head. Depends on it when you go on leave whether you promote payments or promotion. A dream of each chief – to have people on whom it is possible to rely in the team. Become such person.
Относитесь к любой работе, как к своему делу
You treat any work, as the business
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The more you will love business in which you are engaged and to treat it responsibly, the more you will work as the owner. When other employees will try to shift responsibility to others, you will be responsible for everything that you do. Such employees become further partners and develop the skills necessary for opening of own business.

Whether you know that:

If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.