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The most widespread errors of food

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The most widespread errors of food
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When there are problems with health or reflection in a mirror ceases to please before asking for the help the doctor, it is necessary to analyze the food. As a rule, for normalization of weight and improvement of health happens rather correctly to organize food, avoiding at the same time the most widespread mistakes.
Неважно где, когда и в какой обстановке есть
No matter where, when and in what situation is
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Because of a modern rhythm of life there is an opinion that time allowed for food can be reduced to a minimum, and meal – to combine with viewing of news, a show or cinema. Still the worst option is the food on the run. As a rule, at such relation to food already at young age there are problems with health connected, first of all, with disbolism.
Фрукты как продукты с повышенным содержанием сахара
Fruit as products with the increased content of sugar
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It is considered that many fruit are sugar in them is impossible because of high content. However unlike white sugar which use it is really better to refuse the glucose which is present at fruit, fructose and sucrose are easily acquired by an organism and promote completion of a glycogen which is necessary for energy balance of an organism.
Калории - единственный фактор правильного питания
Calories - the only factor of healthy nutrition
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Calculation of calories, certainly, is an important part of healthy nutrition of the modern person as allows to control the weight. However the fast food eaten with respect for standard daily rate of calories and will remain poison for an organism, and will very quickly lead not only to excess weight, but also to big problems with health. Same treats uniform food as avitaminosis will become result of such food.
Витаминные комплексы - замена овощам и фруктам
Vitamin complexes - replacement to vegetables and fruit
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There is an opinion that the science and medicine precisely know how many and what vitamins it is required to each person to buy fresh fruit and vegetables in days therefore there is no sense – all the most useful is already concluded in capsules. The synthesized vitamins are necessary at certain diseases, however in everyday life to replace fruit and vegetables they cannot, as well as various dietary supplements cannot be replacement of natural food.
Любые жиры вредны
Any fats are harmful
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The aspiration to refuse completely greasy food it is possible to do irreparable harm to an organism, having broken a lipometabolism. So, necessary Omega-3-nenasyshchennye zhirnye kisloty are in many vegetable oils (linen, mustard, ryzhikovy), fat grades of fish and seafood. Unlike saturated fats which of a diet are better for excluding the products rich with unsaturated fatty acids, it is desirable to eat daily.
Трехразовое питание как основной режим
Three meals a day as main mode
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There is an opinion that in view of a limited physical activity to eat food three times a day quite enough. However it leads to the fact that because of big intervals between food there is a strong feeling of hunger which is rather difficult for controlling. The organism is not capable to digest big portions of food which are eaten as a result of such diet. It leads to disturbances of work of a digestive tract.
Весы как показатель правильного питания
Scales as indicator of healthy nutrition
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It is considered that if weight is stable or decreases to desirable level, it means that with food everything is all right. However only weight cannot be criterion of healthy nutrition as many problems at unbalanced food arise gradually, and become noticeable already when demand medical assistance. Therefore to resort to scales as does not follow the only adviser at the choice of a nutritious diet.
Чай с сахаром, гизровка и алкоголь – не еда
Tea with sugar, a gizrovka and alcohol – not food
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On the caloric content drinks with sugar addition, as well as alcohol, and various carbonated drinks, average the one tenth part of a day diet of the modern person. It turns out that instead of water the liquid food comes to an organism. In addition to excess calories there is an acute shortage in water which volume has to be not less than 1,5-2 liters a day.
Питательный рацион не зависит от возраста
The nutritious diet does not depend on age
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The day diet of the 20-year-old person cannot be same, as at the elderly person. At catering services it is necessary to consider age, the state of health, a rhythm of life and usual loadings. Ability to listen to own "biological clock", observing necessary balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, is the key to a painless old age.
Whether you know that:

If to smile all twice a day – it is possible to lower blood pressure and to reduce risk of developing of heart attacks and strokes.