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TOP-10 reasons of threat of an abortion

Гормональный дисбаланс
Hormonal imbalance
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At an organism of each person there are men's and women's hormones. Adrenal glands and ovaries are responsible for their synthesis in a female body. When in work of these bodies there is a failure, there is a hormonal imbalance. The surplus of men's hormones is especially dangerous to the pregnant woman. To prevent an abortion, the woman needs to make blood tests on hormones in time to begin timely treatment.
Повышенная свертываемость крови
The increased coagulability of blood
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Quite often at the increased coagulability of blood on 18-25 week of pregnancy there can be an abortion. The increased coagulability is inherited genetically. And to prevent it, the gynecologist appoints the special medicines reducing density of blood. The pregnant woman has to take a blood test of times in two weeks.
Инфекционные заболевания
Infectious diseases
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Can lead presence of one to threat of an abortion or at once several infectious diseases. In addition to threat, some infections can influence normal development of the kid in mother's womb. Therefore the woman during pregnancy has to be very careful and regularly to be checked for existence of infectious diseases, especially in the first trimester.
Несовместимые резус-факторы крови
Incompatible Rhesus factors of blood
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Rhesus factor conflict – quite common cause of an abortion. There is it in that case when mother has a blood Rhesus factor negative, and future child from the father inherits a positive Rhesus factor. If in blood antibodies are found in the pregnant woman and their quantity grows, it can tell a Rhesus factor conflict about the beginning. In this situation the woman has to go urgently to hospital and be under constant control of doctors.
Иммунологическая несовместимость
Immunological incompatibility
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The threat of an abortion owing to immunological incompatibility meets seldom and arises when the father and mother of the kid from the genetic point of view are too similar at each other. In this case immunity literally kills the child. To prevent an abortion in this case, it is necessary even before pregnancy for parents to make the genetic test, and if it shows compatibility of genes, to appoint the corresponding treatment.
Несчастный случай
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Sometimes in addition not born child perishes as a result of unexpected invasion during pregnancy of external factors (various injuries of the pregnant woman, poisoning, etc.). Unfortunately, from such outcome any pregnant woman is not insured. It is possible only to advise to observe the maximum care.
Аномалии сперматозоидов
Anomalies of spermatozoa
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Anomaly of spermatozoa is resulted by laying of abnormal fetal egg. In this case the nature itself to care for that the child with serious pathologies was not born and an abortion occur on early durations of gestation. To secure the woman against an abortion, the man is recommended to make the test of sperm. And treatment means the IKSI procedure – separation of healthy spermatozoa from patients.
Дефекты матки
Defects of a uterus
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Various defects of a uterus: fibromas, myomas, irregular shape, a uterus underdevelopment, scars from operations – all this becomes the reasons of threat of an abortion as interferes with full development of the child. Some anomalies of a uterus can be eliminated in the surgical way or in the way of reception of medicines. Anyway, control of the doctor is necessary.
Эндокринные заболевания
Endocrine diseases
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Diabetes mellitus, diseases of a thyroid gland can easily provoke an abortion. And, abortion is possible on any term. In this situation the doctor-endocrinologist has to become the best the woman's friend for the entire period of pregnancy. Observing all precautionary measures and doctor's instructions the result, most likely, will be favorable.
Общее состояние организма
General condition of an organism
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Various diseases, such as heart disease, renal failure, arthritis, hypertension can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and provoke an abortion. Besides, women should not be fond excessively of various diets, especially (!) during pregnancy. Here quite banal, but extremely effective phrase – a healthy lifestyle has to become the principle of the woman.


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