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TOP-10 products for health of teeth

Жесткие фрукты и овощи
Rigid fruit and vegetables
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Our teeth got used to the soft processed food and more and more seldom chew rigid fruit and vegetables. And crude carrots, beet, cucumbers or apples provide good massage to gingivas, clear teeth of a plaque, stimulate salivation which possesses antibacterial action. All steam of such products in day and health of your teeth considerably will improve. Besides you receive the mass of useful vitamins and microelements.
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Berries contain a large amount of the substances, necessary for our organism. At them there is a unique combination of organic acids, pectins, and also a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Having added them to the diet, you diversify food and will bring benefit not only to teeth, but also all organism. Besides currant, a wild strawberry, a cranberry, grapes and other berries have delightful taste.
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It is possible to strengthen health of teeth by means of ordinary greens. The substances which are contained in it well influence not only teeth, but also improve hemopoiesis processes, strengthen blood vessels, eliminating bleeding of gums. Add parsley, a celery, onions, fennel, a lettuce to daily food and you significantly strengthen immunity. Juice of parsley also well teeth bleaches.
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Nuts on the structure are similar to the natural storeroom. Irreplaceable amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids – all this contains in nuts. Cashew nut, possessing substance with bactericidal property, it is capable to destroy the bacteria harming an adamantine substance of tooth. Almonds work as anesthetic, and pine nut incorporates vanadium, phosphorus and calcium – components, the providing health of a bone tissue.
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It is known that a citrus is vitamin-rich, and each of them exerts impact on dental health. So, grapefruit reduces risk of emergence of inflammatory processes in an oral cavity, reduces bleeding of gums. Orange supplies an organism with vitamin C and cares for collagenic network in gingivas. The lime destroys disease-producing microbes, supporting healthy microflora of an oral cavity.
Молочные продукты
Dairy products
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In dairy products there is a lot of magnesium, potassium and calcium. All these substances help to support a healthy condition of our teeth. Yogurt helps to fight against a smell from a mouth, it reduces amount of hydrogen sulfide because of which there is a similar problem. Phosphates, casein and calcium participate in processes of a mineralization of teeth. Also cottage cheese which is easily acquired is useful and contains the substances feeding a nervous system.
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Seafood which any fish and other inhabitants of sea depths treats (crabs, shrimps, mollusks) are extraordinary useful also to health of teeth, and to health of all organism in general. The elements which are contained in them go for creation of a bone tissue, strengthen gingivas, improve a condition of hair, nails, refresh complexion. High content in them such elements as calcium and iodine, provides to teeth high protection against caries.
Мед и прополис
Honey and propolis
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It is not necessary to doubt advantage of honey. It has fortifying, antibacterial and even the rejuvenating properties. Honey in cells where its useful properties are crossed with useful properties of wax cells is especially useful to health of teeth. At their chewing there is a disinfection of an oral cavity, and the surface of teeth is cleared. Propolis is not less valuable. It is used at an inflammation of gums, periodontosis and caries.
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Eggs are a product which structure is ideal for assimilation by a human body – there are fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also twelve main vitamins (one of which vitamin D). Eggs chicken and quail are a calcium source. Contained in an egg shell, it is very easily and quickly acquired by an organism. It is enough to dry up and crush a shell of eggs and to accept this powder daily.
Чай и вода
Tea and water
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As a part of tea antioxidant catechin which destroys bacteria and fights against an unpleasant smell contains. Therefore, drinking a tea cup after food, we promote clarification of an oral cavity and we prevent development of caries. At the same time it is important that tea did not contain sugar. Water also washes an oral cavity after food, eliminates parts of food and suppresses life activity of microorganisms in an oral cavity.


Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.