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About what men are silent? The facts about prostatitis

Что такое простатит?
What is prostatitis?
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Prostatitis is called the prostate inflammation. There is it in a small pelvis, under a bladder, and is densely braided by vessels. The prostate performs two important functions – secretory (synthesis of the prostatic juice which is a part of sperm) and protective (brakes the infections going from an urethra). Prostatitis arises when for any reasons the prostate ceases to perform protective function.
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Types of prostatitis
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Prostatitis happens two types – infectious and congestive. Infectious prostatitis results from influence of viruses, a trichomonad, a chlamydia, a mycoplasma, mushrooms. The infection gets into a prostate from an urethra, a bladder, a rectum on lymphatic or to blood vessels. Congestive prostatitis men at any age can have, and it develops as a result of insufficient sexual activity.
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The contributing factors
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In addition to the reasons leading to inflammatory processes in a prostate there are also contributing factors which can be an incitement for an exacerbation of chronic prostatitises. This decrease in immunity, hormonal disturbances, overcooling of an organism, a slow-moving way of life, not finished the cure sexually transmitted infections, overfatigue, constant stresses, the centers of persistent infection, regularly interrupted sexual intercourses.
Как происходит развитие простатита
As there is a development of prostatitis
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Prostatitis can suddenly arise and proceed as an acute inflammatory disease. At the same time the patient feels an acute pain in a crotch, at a root of a penis and over a bladder. Also pains are felt in an urethra, process of an urination is broken. But much more often chronic prostatitis when at the man symptoms are not too expressed until the disease begins to progress actively develops.
Болезненное мочеиспускание
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The most characteristic symptom of chronic prostatitis is the urodynia. There is a difficulty of an urination, incomplete release of urine, to efforts. And, the urination is followed by allocation of a small amount of a secret from an urethra. Unfortunately, men often hesitate to address to hospital with this problem that aggravates disease, causing problems with an erection, and also vessels and nerves of a penis.
Диагностика простатита
Diagnosis of prostatitis
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After the address to the urologist in addition to questions of a way of life of the patient, a regularity of sex life, the doctor has to conduct a manual research of a prostate through a rectum. And for completeness of diagnosis he can appoint ultrasonography the rectal sensor. Similar inspection confuses many men, and some even refuse, without understanding that these do irreparable harm to health, without it it is impossible to define a disease stage.
Лечение простатита
Treatment of prostatitis
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Treatment of prostatitis – process difficult, especially in its started stage. But it is possible to cope with it on condition of exact and strict observance of all recommendations of the doctor. For suppression of pathogenic flora appoint germicides. But previously the patient has to make necessary tests for identification of a source of an infection. It is necessary to complete a full course of treatment by antibiotics.
Массаж простаты
Massage of a prostate
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In treatment of a prostate massage of a prostate is effective. It helps to reduce an inflammation, improves blood circulation and increases efficiency of medicines. However it in the moral and physical plan is quite unpleasant for the man. Indications to massage of a prostate are: an acute form of prostatitis, a prostate cancer, incomplete bladder emptying, a cyst or stones in a prostate.
Физиотерапия в лечении простаты
Physical therapy in treatment of a prostate
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Methods of immunocorrection and physical therapy allow to activate protective forces of an organism therefore it begins to fight against an inflammation and infections more actively. Also microclysters with medical injuries and antiinflammatory medicines will be useful.
Если простатит не лечить?
If prostatitis not to treat?
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If to leave prostatitis without treatment, the infection can extend to nearby bodies. The inflammation of kidneys, a bladder, testicles will result. Also a complication of prostatitis is reduction of a prostate in sizes and deterioration in its functioning. There is also a purulent inflammation of a prostate (abscess). It is possible to carry impotence and infertility to the remote effects of prostatitis.
Как избежать простатита?
How to avoid prostatitis?
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It is possible to avoid a disease and to prevent an exacerbation of prostatitis, conforming to some rules. It is necessary to avoid overcooling, to properly eat, have regular sex, to do active sports. During the autumn and winter period it is necessary to accept vitamin complexes, to treat timely infectious diseases. And, of course, regularly to be checked at the urologist.
Возраст простатиту не помеха
Age to prostatitis not a hindrance
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Prostatitis can come to light also in 15 years, and in 25 even if nothing disturbs the man. Prostatitis it is just necessary to treat as as a result of a disease the man can begin to have problems in the intimate sphere, such as premature ejaculation, disturbance of an erection, disturbance of an orgasm.
Оральный секс ведет к простатиту?
Oral sex leads to prostatitis?
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At the men preferring oral and proctal types of sex, probability to ache with prostatitis increases. The matter is that microbes of a rectum and oral cavity differ from vagina microflora. They are unusual for an urethra and a penis of men, the nature did not provide existence of similar sexual contacts. Microbes of a mouth and rectum are more aggressive and actively get into the area of an urethra, and from it – into a prostate.
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It is more than zinc
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The main microelement which is necessary for a prostate is zinc. It improves not only production of sperm, but also its quality that helps to prevent infertility. A lot of zinc contains in seafood (a laminaria, oysters), and also garlic, pumpkin sunflower seeds, walnuts. By the way, the prostate on average to conduct 14-30 g, but after 45 years its weight and the size begins to decrease gradually.


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