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The most useful products for children

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Porridge is recognized as most of nutritionists as the best breakfast for children. It is rich with cellulose, necessary microelements and vitamins of group B. As well as other cereals, porridge – the richest energy source for an organism, necessary for the growing child. That porridge did not bother, it can be diversified, adding the nuts cut by pieces fruit, berries, jam medical there.
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Vegetables and fruit
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Vegetables and fruit have to make a considerable part of a children's diet. It is especially useful to eat them on a season. Most often nutritionists point to advantage for the growing organism of products with the high content of calcium, potassium, cellulose and vitamins C and groups B. Among them – the broccoli cabbage improving appetite and work of digestion, apples, necessary for work of cardiovascular system, saturated with iron and pectins beet, a melon, useful at an anemia.
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Thanks to the lactobacilli which are in yogurt, calcium and other necessary microelements and vitamins are acquired much more stoutly and quicker, than from milk. Besides, presence of yogurt at a diet saves from problems with locks, especially if to add prunes pieces to it. Yogurt is irreplaceable for the children weakened by diseases, especially if during treatment antibiotics were applied.
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Eggs are considered as one of necessary products in a diet of the child as are a source of necessary protein and many vitamins. In cold season vitamin D which lack can turn back serious violations of health of the child is especially necessary. Also nutritionists advise there are eggs for prevention of development of heart diseases.
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In addition to rich vitamin structure, nuts contain a large amount of the protein necessary for growth of the child. They are useful to sight and reduce risk of a disease of a diabetes mellitus, and thanks to a large number polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, are prevention of development of heart diseases.
Чечевица и фасоль
Lentil and haricot
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The growing children's organism needs protein constantly therefore in its diet there has to be enough. Bean are a fine source of phytalbumin. Besides for its assimilation the organism spends less energy, than at digestion of proteins of animal origin.
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Cow's milk is entered, as a rule, into the child's diet after the end of the period of breastfeeding. It is necessary because of a large amount of full-fledged digestible protein. The best choice is the house, not undergone processing milk. If it is impossible, preference should be given to producers which products keep the freshness minimum short term.
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Meat is a necessary product for children as contains animal protein and amino acids, necessary for growth. It is better to include low-fat grades of meat, namely veal, fowl, mutton and young pork in the menu. It is better to give preference to home-made meat as on large productions quite often use growth hormones and antibiotics.
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Fish on the food and culinary qualities does not concede to meat, and surpasses it in ease of digestion of proteins a little. Fish needs to be included in the child's diet at least, than three times a week. Especially it belongs to the grades of fish rich with unsaturated fatty acids. It will allow to reduce risk of development of heart troubles, and also to support at the necessary level amount of cholesterol in blood.
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Freshly squeezed juice
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Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruit is extremely necessary for growing child's organism. Vegetables and fruit are a source of necessary vitamins and microelements that is the key to good health and resistance to diseases. Juice can be replaced with the packaged juice, but at the same time preference should be given to the lines specializing in production of baby food.
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