Only toothpastes are capable to clear our teeth? Study the list of alternative means.">
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Whether there is an alternative to toothpaste?

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One of dentifrices were ashes. Took it from the furnace, sifted from coarse particles and received small soft powder which was rubbed in teeth. This way of cleaning is complicated by the fact that it is required to apply so powder that it did not become wet from saliva, otherwise no clearing effect will exist. Taste of course at this means not really pleasant, but result turned out excellent – teeth were not only pure, but also white.
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To brush teeth salt Anthony van Levenguk – the Dutch inventor, in 1674 thought up. He studied microorganisms under a microscope and as an example took washout from own teeth – what was seen set him thinking on hygiene of an oral cavity seriously. It wrapped salt in a rag and wiped with it teeth, then took repeated washout in which microbes were not found any more. Since then he used for toothbrushing only salt.
Активированный уголь
Absorbent carbon
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Some use tablets of absorbent carbon to return to teeth a whiteness. For this purpose coal is ground, fill powder on a brush and carefully brush teeth. As side effect it is possible to call hit of particles of coal in gingivas and soft tissues of an oral cavity from what unpleasant blackness appears. Teeth become more white over time, but it is impossible to abuse cleaning by coal – the procedure is performed at most 2-3 times a month.
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Apple can become excellent replacement to toothpaste which, according to some specialists, is not harmless to our health at all. How to use fruit, in particular apples, as cleaner for teeth? After fruit is eaten, it is necessary to wait for 15 minutes, and then to brush teeth without paste. The acids which are contained in fruit soften a dental plaque, and it easily is removed.
Продукты пчеловодства
Beekeeping products
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The fine means supporting health of teeth and all oral cavity is honey and other products of beekeeping. To benefit, it is necessary to use honey in cells, only in this case gingivas, teeth and all organism will receive the greatest advantage. The matter is that wax contains a huge number of useful microelements, including propolis which even in small amounts has antibacterial effect.
Сода и сок лимона
Soda and juice of a lemon
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In the list of natural dentifrices there are a soda and lemon juice. They are used as addition to paste (a pinch of soda and couple of drops of lemon juice). It is possible, using the same products, to prepare mix for whitening of an adamantine substance of tooth. Half a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of juice of a lemon and several drops of peroxide of 3% is required. Wipe with this solution teeth, then rinse a mouth warm water.
Пшеничные отруби
Wheat bran
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Our great-grandmothers had no need to suffer with the toothpaste choice. They used exclusively natural products, one of which is wheat bran. This means available, inexpensive and, judging by words of the famous balneologist Platen (the end of XIX – the beginning of the 20th century), very effective. He opposed sharply use of the means made in the chemical way including them too unhealthy.
Белая глина
White clay
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Usual white clay helps to clear teeth of a plaque. Quite often add hydrosodium carbonate and glycerophosphate of calcium to it, it is exclusive in the medical purposes. Mechanically clearing teeth, powder of white clay interferes with formation of a dental plaque and dental calculi. Before the procedure it is recommended to rinse a mouth to remove slime and parts of food. Then the brush moistened in water is immersed in powder and carefully brush teeth.
Кора дуба и корень аира
Bark of an oak and root of an acorus
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For preservation of health of teeth our ancestors used natural means, for example, bark of an oak and a root of an acorus. They can be added to a denture powder, to mix with white clay or to prepare broth on their basis. Both the root, and bark are previously dried up, and then ground in the coffee grinder, receiving powder. Broth is used for rinsing, it eliminates bleeding of gums, at the same time promoting their strengthening.
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It is possible to brush teeth also a dogrose. How to do it? Ludwig Gerber provides the recipe of a denture powder in which the dogrose appears in the herbalist who is let out in 1563 – the dried-up fruits reduce to powder and to them brush teeth. In our country hips, or a svorobornik, also had great popularity. They were chewed for strengthening of gums, preventing their bleeding, used as means for healing of wounds.
Листья березы
Birch leaves
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There is one ancient means for whitening of teeth – infusion of birch leaves. It is simple to prepare a wonderful medicine: take fresh leaves of a birch and crush them. Fill in the chopped leaves with boiled water and give will infuse for some time. Then filter warm infusion and, moistening with it the brush taken especially for this purpose, clean teeth. Doing so every day, you receive a snow-white smile already soon!
Листья шалфея
Sage leaves
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To prepare cleaner for teeth it is possible to use, for example, by means of different ingredients as a basis for a denture powder sage leaves. Fresh leaflets, about 2 teaspoons, crush, put in heat resisting capacity, add to them a spoon of sea salt and put in an oven. After they are dried, grind them together with salt on the coffee grinder, the received powder brush teeth.
Морская соль
Sea salt
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There is a recipe of the natural toothpaste made in house conditions. Preparation requires a piece of the dried-up wood pitch, sea salt, banana peel ashes, olive oil. To grind pitch and salt in fine dust, to add ashes of a banana peel and olive oil. Each ingredient to take on half a teaspoon, after mixing they will turn into paste. It needs to be rubbed in teeth twice a day.
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Known for the medicinal properties, the cranberry was recognized as an effective remedy in prevention of diseases of teeth. The researches conducted by scientists of the Rochester university (New York) revealed that cranberry juice kills disease-producing bacteria, prevents rotting of teeth, bleaches them, eliminates a dental plaque, stones and dark stains on enamel, removes an inflammation and bleeding of gums days later after use.
Гвоздика, корица, кардамон
Carnation, cinnamon, cardamom
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All above-mentioned means are irreplaceable in case of an unpleasant smell from a mouth from which not each toothpaste is capable to save. To eliminate a smell it is enough to chew: several dry clove buds; to steam of sticks of cinnamon; it is a little cardamom seeds. Choose the means acceptable for you, and forget about the inconveniences connected with an unpleasant smell from a mouth.

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