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Medicinal properties of baking soda

От кашля и боли в горле
For cough and a pharyngalgia
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Soda has property to liquefy a phlegm thanks to what it is successfully used at treatment of cough. Before going to bed boil 1 glass of milk, add to it 1 teaspoon of soda, let's cool down and drink small drinks. It is also possible to part 2 teaspoons of soda in a glass of warm water and to rinse this solution a throat each two hours.
От насморка
From cold
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Soda solution will help to cope in short terms with a nose congestion. It is necessary to add 0,5 teaspoons of soda to a half of a glass of warm water and to dig in this solution a nose on 3-5 drops. The same soda solution helps to cope with plentiful allocations from a nose if to wash out them a nose by means of a small pear. It is possible to carry out this procedure several times in days.
При простуде
At cold
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If you are tormented by cold, it is possible to use a self-made inhaler. In a teapot pour 1 glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of soda. Put on a paper cone with a small opening on the end a nose of a teapot. Put a teapot on fire, and until it boils, inhale from a cone hot air for 15 minutes. It promotes an otkhozhdeniye of a phlegm and bystry recovery.
При аритмии
At arrhythmia
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At a cardiopalmus it is recommended to accept a half of a teaspoon of soda and to wash down with water.
При повышенном артериальном давлении
With the increased arterial pressure
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Soda helps with the increased arterial pressure, bringing excess liquids and salts out of an organism. It is rather simple to take 0,5 teaspoons of soda and a half dose of your medicine for pressure, to accept and wash down with water. Reception of soda allows to lower a dosage of drugs twice. However it is not recommended to apply this method often.
При конъюнктивитах
At conjunctivitis
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At conjunctivitis soda solution which can be prepared so will help: on 1 glass of warm water to add 1 teaspoon of soda. This solution it is necessary to wash out eyes by means of wadded disks.
При воспалении десен
At an inflammation of gums
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At an inflammation and morbidity of gums it is necessary to part 1 teaspoon of soda with a small amount of water before receiving a kashitseobrazny consistence. Apply mix on the inflamed gingivas, take a little then clean teeth a toothbrush.
При обильном запахе пота
At a plentiful smell of sweat
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Soda solution effectively copes with excessive sweating of armpits and saves from an unpleasant smell. Enough every morning to wipe with soda solution axillary hollows then to allow them to dry.
При повышенной потливости ног
At the increased perspiration of legs
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Add 1 teaspoon of soda to 1 glass of warm water and wash the received leg solution every morning and evening. It is before going to bed recommended to wipe by means of the wadded disks moistened in solution, area between toes. Repeat the procedure until you see a positive take.
При грибковых заболеваниях ног
At fungus diseases of legs
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The fungus likes to lodge between toes. But there is a good method it from there to expel. Take 1 tablespoon of soda and part it with water before obtaining kashitseobrazny weight. Apply it on affected areas of skin and leave for 1 hour then wash legs water and wipe dry. Powder with starch or powder.
При укусах насекомых
At stings of insects
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At stings of insects part 1 teaspoon of soda in half of glass of water and wipe with solution the struck places. Soda solution effectively removes an itch and protects a wound from hit of an infection.
При укачивании
At a motion desease
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Prepare such solution: 0,5 teaspoons of soda, 1 tea salt spoons, 1 liter of warm boiled water. It is necessary to accept ready solution each five minutes on 1 tablespoon. The same solution will be useful at the poisonings which are followed by vomiting and diarrhea, fever, plentiful sweating and blood loss. Soda and hydrochloric solution quickly makes up for loss of liquid which accompanies all these states.
Для очищения кишечника
For purgation
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On 3 liters of water add 1 teaspoon of soda and do cleansing enemas.
Для промывания желудка
For a gastric lavage
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As a rule, for a gastric lavage potassium permanganate solution is used. But if in the house at the right time there was no potassium permanganate, it is possible to use soda solution. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda in 1 liter of water and drink.
Для кожи на локтях
For skin on elbows
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If you noticed that at you on elbows skin became rough and unattractive, do special soda trays. Take a basin, pour in it 1 liter of hot water, add 0,5 glasses of a soap crumb and 2 tablespoons of soda. Apply any cream on elbows and lower in water for 15 minutes. After that carefully wipe skin of elbows with pumice and again apply cream. Through 5-8 procedures skin on elbows will become soft and gentle.


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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.