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Organization of a children's dream

Режим дня
Day regimen
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At the kids attending kindergarten the day dream is provided in a day regimen. That the child well slept in time allowed for this purpose, it is necessary to control duration of its night dream. Depending on age the standard daily rate makes 10-14 hours. 2-2,5 hours are the share of a day dream. Also it is worth making a start from these indicators. If the child does not attend kindergarten, it is necessary to organize a day dream of the house.
Время сна
Dream time
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Many mothers know how not easy sometimes to put the child to bed. And children have to go to bed before adults. If the child overtires, it will badly affect his nervous system. There will be a capriciousness, and serenity of a night dream will be broken. Think up to the child a special daily ritual after which it is necessary to go to bed. It can be the fairy tale, a lullaby or process of laying of favourite toys.
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Preparation of the room
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For the organization of comfortable conditions for a dream, it is necessary to take care of purity of air in the nursery. For this purpose the room of the child should be aired before going to bed. It is also important to observe optimum temperature, indoors should not be too hot or on the contrary cold. Suitable temperature specialists recognize 19 degrees of heat. Clean fresh air will promote as well as possible a sound healthy sleep of the child.
Создание условий для сна
Creation of conditions for a dream
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Each child has conditions under which he best of all falls asleep. It can be existence of a night lamp in the room, presence of a favourite toy at a bed or something else. You should not limit the child in it and to insist on observance of tough rules. After a while fears concerning darkness or fear to remain to one, will pass, and the child will learn to fall asleep without any conditions.
Что сделать перед сном?
What to make before going to bed?
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That the kid quickly fell asleep, he can provide a physical activity shortly before a dream. At emergence of feeling of fatigue the child himself also will have no objection to have a rest. Also in advance it is necessary to think of food and to feed the child that he did not feel hunger directly during the procedure of laying. The same can be provided also in respect of a toilet. The child by the time of withdrawal to a dream has to finish all preparations.
Как разбудить утром?
How to wake in the morning?
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Morning rise should not be sharp at all. It is necessary to awake gradually the kid, tenderly stroking him, and having given him time, to wake up properly. Morning at the child has to be associated with pleasant emotions, then it will be much easier to gather in a garden or anywhere. If the kid went to bed in time, then and in the morning he will have no problems with rise.
А если малыш не хочет просыпаться?
And if the kid does not want to wake up?
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If the kid refuses flatly to get up, then try to interest him. The intrigue is capable to awaken curiosity of the child and together with it to force it to rise. Stacking the child in time in the evening, you have an opportunity to wake him one morning earlier and to give the chance to luxuriate in a bed and to wake up finally. It is important to parents to remember that surplus of a dream, as well as its shortcoming is not useful to health of children.


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