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What to do at sleep disorders?

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To sleep for the future it is useless
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Our organism is arranged wonderfully. We need a daily full-fledged dream lasting about eight watch. Modern life often creates conditions which force us not to fill up, resolving some issues due to night rest. Many decide to sleep more when there is such opportunity, but, unfortunately, to sleep for the future it will not turn out. The organism needs to recover forces regularly.
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Sleep disorder - sleeplessness
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One of kinds of a sleep disorder is sleeplessness. The person who cannot fall asleep at night and in the afternoon not especially wants to sleep, it is possible to call having sleeplessness. Some are even proud of the fact that they sleep Pomala and at the same time them does not drive in a dream. But such reaction of an organism not to be long. The effect will be accumulative and the person can sharply feel deterioration in health.
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Help of specialists
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If serious violations of a dream were outlined, you should not tighten and try to wait a situation. It is necessary to ask for the help specialists, in this case you need the doctor-somnologist. If you have no opportunity to visit such specialist, register in reception to the therapist. Now there are ways of treatment of sleep disorders, but the doctor suitable you only, after carrying out full inspection can pick up.
Что еще можно сделать?
What else can be made?
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To help to cope with sleeplessness simple, but efficient advice will help. Track that your bed was pure and comfortable, and the room well aired. Clean air and fresh linen quite often work wonders, and the person quickly enough falls asleep. Also try to be limited to an easy dinner, and before going to bed avoid strong emotions, both negative, and positive. Much are helped by short walks in the fresh air.
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Folk remedies from sleeplessness
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During an era of lack of chemical drugs people were able to manage make-shifts. What was used for disposal of sleeplessness? The method is quite simple and enjoys popularity and today. The glass of warm milk helps to win against sleeplessness. Much are also helped by warm trays for legs. Thanks to these simple ways the organism relaxes, and the person falls asleep much quicker.
Нарушение сна - сонливость
Sleep disorder - drowsiness
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Presently one more sleep disorder – drowsiness is widespread. It is shown in constant desire to sleep even if the person gave to a dream the put eight hours. Drowsiness can demonstrate existence of other diseases, for example, about a syndrome of chronic fatigue. If drowsiness lasts more than three days in a row, it is an occasion to sound the alarm and to ask for medical care.
Как бороться с сонливостью?
How to fight against drowsiness?
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The correct daily routine will help to fight against drowsiness. Quite often disturbances of the mode provoke failures in organism biorhythms, and he just does not understand when time to sleep and when to show activity. Competently constructed day regimen will allow an organism to establish accurate biorhythms that will lead to improvement of a situation with a dream.
Что еще можно сделать?
What else can be made?
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To help the organism to get rid of drowsiness and to cheer up, take an alternating douche in the mornings. During the day indulge yourself with green tea. Coffee and energy drinks it is better to refuse. They have short-term effect. Perfectly massage of feet helps to cheer up. The points located on feet activate reserve forces of an organism.


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