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How to overcome uncertainty in itself?

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Quite often unique failure is capable to create in us resistant confidence that we are not able to resolve any issue. With such spirit any business, naturally, is doomed to a failure. To change a situation, follows, despite of last failures, to accurately designate new installation, namely to tell itself "I not only I will cope with this task, I will make it in the best way!"
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Be not anxious excessively
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The feeling of alarm is inherent in the person and warns him about danger. But the extreme is that the brain draws danger where it is absent. The person who gave in to excessive feeling of alarm reproduces the most gloomy scenarios of succession of events in the imagination. It will paralyze his desire to work. Concentration on the steps capable to improve quality of life will help to correct a situation.
Не думайте о прошлом
Do not think of the past
3 of 10
We have an ability to analyze the acts. But you should not use it infinitely to dig in the past and to be distressed about the made mistakes. Perceive them as a part of invaluable experience which can be applied only for the benefit now. As years bring wisdom, nobody is insured from misses and the wrong actions, and you not an exception.
Уделяйте время лично себе
Find time personally for yourself
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Often the person is so loaded by various duties that he does not have time for himself personally. Find time for to remain alone with the thoughts. Try to note what high qualities you have as the personality. You are unique and there is no second such person. Attend an interesting exhibition, watch the fascinating movie or read the book which was dreamed to be read long ago.
Умейте доставлять себе радость
Be able to give yourself joy
5 of 10
Do not allow the uncertainty to deprive of you pleasures of life. If you have no habit to indulge themselves fashionable things or a visit of restaurant, make an exception and make such act. You are worthy a holiday! The visit to the massage therapist, a visit of beauty shop, a trip to the country or to the sea can become an alternative to beautiful clothes and tasty food. In a word, you are free to choose everything that you will wish if you really want it.
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Develop positive mentality
6 of 10
You have no time to stop and take a detached view of yourself? Urgently correct a situation! Every day within ten minutes concentrate on attractive lines of the appearance and reflect over one of merits of your character. Next day repeat process, only find already other quality for which you are ready to praise yourself. Trying to discover in itself positive, you learn to think positively!
Верьте в себя!
Believe in yourself!
7 of 10
Whether you met people who say frank nonsense, but with such confident look that knowing the truth, you begin to doubt? It would be quite good to develop also to you such self-confidence. Your wisdom and experience will not bring benefit if you do not begin to apply surely them in life. Be not afraid to trust yourself. You have forces and knowledge to cope with any situation. Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you!
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Do not look for guilty
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One of signs of uncertainty in itself is tendency to look for guilty of own failures. Subconsciously the person shifts fault to others, being afraid to admit to himself own weakness and incompetence. Without recognizing a problem not to get rid of it. Tell yourself that nobody is guilty that you have such character or vital circumstances. Stop to feel sorry for yourself and begin to work on the solution of problems.
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Find work to liking
9 of 10
Finally the person cannot be an expert in everything. There are areas in which it really understands and needs the help and the management a little. Find the niche in which you do not have equal. It can be, any ability or ability. Apply it, and your skill will help you to raise a self-assessment and to find self-confidence!


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