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Pluses and minuses of a chocolate wrapping

Королевская процедура
Royal procedure
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To begin with the fact that this procedure will allow any woman to feel the queen. It with anything incomparable leaving which gives unforgettable feelings. By the way, in Ancient Greece only very notable persons were able to afford chocolate wrappings. The present pleases women with the fact that regardless of an origin any woman can indulge herself with the fragrant procedure.
Плюсы шоколадного обертывания
Pluses of a chocolate wrapping
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The chocolate wrapping brings double benefit: first, the organism receives complex care, secondly, there is a courage, and effects of stresses leave. The exciting smell of chocolate will force to forget about all burdens of day, will help to relax and calm down. Plus also is the condition of skin which considerably improves after the first procedure. Such impact on an organism promotes growth of popularity of a wrapping.
Минусы шоколадного обертывания
Minuses of a chocolate wrapping
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Speaking about pluses, it is necessary to mention also minuses. The procedure is contraindicated to hypertensive persons; to the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus; having a heart disease and vessels; that who has inflammatory processes on skin. The persons having an allergy to any of formulation components will not suit wrappings with chocolate. Before the session specialists advises to eat couple of candies to reduce temptation to try chocolate weight from a body.
Чем обусловлен высокий результат
What caused good result
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The good result of a chocolate wrapping is caused by the rich composition of mix consisting of active elements, and also vitamins and minerals. Caffeine improves blood circulation and normalizes work of the central nervous system. Vitamin E protects skin from dryness and a peeling, helping it to remain healthy and beautiful. Antioxidants struggle with wrinkles, and such substances as theophylline and theobromine provide effect of lifting.
Как усилить эффект
How to strengthen effect
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For strengthening of effect for a wrapping it is possible to add such component as ginger to mix. At interaction with other elements it saves an organism from excesses of liquid, exerts impact on fatty deposits, promoting their burning. Ginger clears an organism of toxins, strengthens immunity. It is possible to strengthen effect by means of a peeling which will deeply clear skin, and several drops of oil will make it incredibly soft and gentle.
Этапы проведения процедуры
Stages of holding procedure
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The first stage – clarification. It is carried out by means of a peeling and prepares skin for acceptance of nutrients. The second stage – a wrapping. The mix which is warmed up on a steam bath is applied on the skin cleared by a peeling, turned in a film, wrapped up with a warm blanket and left for half an hour. The third stage – completing. Mix after the put time is washed away, apply with the easy massage movements cream or cosmetic oil on skin.
Виды шоколадного обертывания
Types of a chocolate wrapping
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The chocolate wrapping happens two types: cold more hotly. If the purpose is removal of hypostases, narrowing and strengthening of walls of vessels and capillaries, and also increase in a tone of skin, then carry out a cold chocolate pack. More hotly, on the contrary, promotes vasodilatation, strengthens blood circulation process, increases permeability of skin.
Выполняем процедуру в домашних условиях
We perform the procedure in house conditions
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If there is no opportunity to go behind the procedure to salon, then it is possible to carry out it in house conditions. It is necessary to steam out skin in soul, to clear it a natural srub (honey, a coffee thick, olive oil). Then to apply mix for a wrapping on skin, to close it a film and having wrapped in a sheet, to lay down under a blanket for about thirty minutes. Then to wash away everything in soul and to apply on skin the moisturizing cream with a droplet of essential oil.
Рецепт шоколадного обертывания с корицей
The recipe of a chocolate wrapping with cinnamon
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Mix for a chocolate wrapping can be prepared independently. For this purpose the floor of liter of hot water and half a kilo of cocoa of powder is required. Add couple of tablespoons of powder of cinnamon to this mix. Mix is applied on a body warm. The second version of the recipe allows to replace cocoa with the chocolate bars kindled on a steam bath. Add five drops of essential oil of a lemon to them and 20 g of olive oil.
Рецепт шоколадного обертывания с кремом
The recipe of a chocolate wrapping with cream
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In this recipe any nutritious cream or a cosmetic milk acts as a basis. Cocoa, in number of two tablespoons, and also a liquid form of vitamins A and E which can be bought in a drugstore is added to 100 ml of a basis. Everything mixes carefully up, applied on skin, takes cover a film and is left for half an hour. After that mix is washed away and moisten skin by means of cream.
Шоколадное экспресс-обертывание
Chocolate express wrapping
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In the conditions of a lack of time it is possible to carry out a chocolate express wrapping. It is possible to use any of recipes. In soul, after processing of skin a srub, apply the mix chosen by you on a body and massage skin within three minutes. After that everything you can wash away and be wiped a warm dry towel. It is not required to use additional resources for care of skin in this case.
Шоколадный состав для принятия ванны
Chocolate structure for acceptance of a bathtub
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For natures especially distinguished and understanding taste in pleasures we offer the recipe of a "chocolate" bathtub. Fill in two hundred grams of cocoa of powder with liter of the hot, but not boiling water (it is possible to use milk). Pour out the received mix in the bathtub filled with warm water in quantity sufficient for full immersion. Duration of the procedure makes no more than twenty minutes.
Рецепт шоколадной маски для лица
Recipe of a chocolate face pack
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It is possible to indulge with chocolate not only a body, but also a face. Preparation of a face pack requires 50 g of the chocolate (kindled in a microwave or on a steam bath) and 5 g of olive oil. Mix is cooled to body temperature and applied on the cleared face skin. Influence time from five to thirty minutes, depending on a condition of integuments. Then the mask is washed away warm water and apply cream, according to skin type.
Показания к применению
Indications to use
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Chocolate wrappings if to carry out them competently, bring notable benefit to an organism. This procedure is shown to persons interested to lose weight, correct volumes of the body, to improve a condition of skin, to bring it into a tone. It is noted that after several sessions skin gains velvet, softness and a captivating smell of chocolate. But even before this "tasty" and useful procedure it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
Стоимость процедуры
Cost of the procedure
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The cost of the procedure of a chocolate wrapping depends on many factors. For example, venue. If to compare the procedure performed in salon and that that you will spend at home, then the price of the last will be significantly lower. But also the house wrapping can cost differently. It depends on whether you want to buy ready mixes or will prefer to make them independently, using the available recipes.


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