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The curative force of the sprouted wheat grains

Польза проросших зерен
Advantage of the sprouted grains
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In the sprouted grains of wheat curative force is concluded. It does not mean that they can be used as some specific disease medicine. Force of grains is in recovering the correct functioning of all systems and bodies including those that are struck with a disease. Including in food of grain of the sprouted wheat, it is possible to clear well an organism and at the same time a long time not to feel hunger.
Что входит в состав?
What is a part?
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Grains of germinated wheat are ideally acquired by an organism as represent completely natural product. In its structure eighteen amino acids, twelve vitamins and twenty one microelements. Also germinated wheat is rich with the cellulose participating in exchange processes of an organism. It means that including it in the diet, it is possible to lose weight much quicker.
Как употреблять?
How to use?
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Grains of germinated wheat are considered as a universal product as they can be used as independently, and as a part of other dishes. It is possible to eat the whole grains or to crush them in the blender. It is possible to add to various salads, porridges, soups and sauces. Sweet teeth can combine grains of the sprouted wheat with honey, dried fruits or nuts.
Полезные рекомендации по употреблению
Useful recommendations about the use
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In what time of day it is the best of all to use the sprouted wheat? There is no strict restriction, but it is the best of all to do it in the morning. Prepare for breakfast a dish with the sprouted grains or eat them in pure form. They will allow you not to feel hungry, up to a lunch break. The standard daily rate of germinated grains makes about 100 g. Also try to avoid their contact with metal ware.
Кому можно?
For whom it is possible?
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Can use the sprouted grains of wheat both children, and elderly, and those people whose activity is connected with heavy physical or brainwork. Undergoing loadings, our organism needs intake of valuable substances which provide it the sprouted wheat grains. Recipes of their preparation weight, they are available on the Internet, and everyone will be able to find to itself(himself) a dish to taste.
Как прорастить пшеницу?
How to couch wheat?
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It is independently very simple to couch wheat. It is necessary to buy grains of unshelled wheat, to wash out them several times clear water, to spread out on a dish a thin layer and to cover with a wet two-layer gauze. Within two-three days the gauze should be moistened periodically with water that it remained wet all the time. After this time sprouts up to 1,5 mm long will appear. After this grain it is possible to wash out and eat.
Положительное влияние на здоровье
Positive influence on health
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The sprouted grains of wheat exert impact not only on internal state of an organism, on his health, but also on outward that too is important. If to make their use daily, then already after a while it is possible to notice improvements in a condition of hair, nails and skin. Also the nervous system becomes stronger. The person becomes quieter and cheerful.


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Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.