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7 inoculations which need to be made

Вирус папилломы человека
Virus of papilloma of the person
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Vaccine against VPCh – one of the main opening of the last years. It is known that cancer of a neck of uterus provokes this virus. Recommend to impart teenage girls prior to the beginning of sex life, for the present there was no infection with a virus. Adult women can also make a vaccine, after 45 years immunity begins to decrease and many diseases become more active. In Russia this vaccine became available since the beginning of last year.
Гепатит В
Hepatitis B
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It is one more antineoplastic vaccine designed to protect the person from liver cancer. Hepatitis B is transmitted only through blood, most often at its transfusion. It is possible to pick up it also on reception at the stomatologist or doing cut manicure, and many other ways. Carry out an inoculation in 3 steps for 4-6 months. If you do not know whether did you such inoculation, make blood test on antibodies to hepatitis B.
Гепатит А
Hepatitis A
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From hepatitis A, or jaundice, it is necessary to be vaccinated as this virus is very infectious. Jaundice bears serious danger to a liver, especially if proceeds in the latent form. Sometimes hepatitis A masks under food poisoning, and the person does not receive necessary treatment. Abroad this vaccine enjoys wide popularity. Only 2 doses entered for half a year create durable immunity for 15-20 years.
Пневмококковая инфекция
Pneumococcal infection
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Very few people know that 60% of a SARS are caused by a pneumococcal infection. Therefore if together with a vaccine against flu to you suggest to make and from a pneumococcus – safely agree. The bacterium of a pneumococcus settles in a nasopharynx and there is the reason not only pneumonia, but also bronchitis, arthritis, antritis, otitis and even sepsis. As a rule, the vaccine is carried out according to indications from chronic diseases, and it gives durable immunity for 5 years.
Менингококковая инфекция
Meningococcal infection
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The meningococcal infection is transmitted in the airborne way and when the bacterium gets into a brain, meningitis begins. Other forms of this disease are arthritis, an endocarditis, an iridocyclitis. To protect itself from all these diseases, only one dose of a vaccine suffices, and for 3-5 years it is possible to sigh freely. By the way, this vaccination is obligatory at visit of Saudi Arabia.
Клещевой энцефалит
Tick-borne encephalitis
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That it was not necessary to avoid every year walks in the wood, it is possible just to make a vaccine and for 3 years to cease to worry about invasion of mites. It is better to take care of an inoculation in winter time, without waiting for summer. It is necessary to make two vaccination at an interval of 1 month, and then a third more in a year. Especially the people who were going to Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria or Vietnam should take care of this inoculation.
Столбняк и дифтерия
Tetanus and diphtheria
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These simple inoculations protect from fatal diseases. It is necessary to know that if after the last vaccination there passed more than 10 years, it is time to do vaccination again, especially if you are more than 40 years old as after this age of people it becomes vulnerable before diphtheria. In Russia the last compulsory vaccination from these diseases is carried out at the age of 14-15 years. Means, after 25 years it is necessary to take care of himself independently.
Где прививаться?
Where to take root?
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Inoculations should be done only in the specialized centers of vaccinal prevention. In each large city there are similar centers. At the choice of one of them pay attention to length of service, the it longer, the experience is more. In one day it is possible to do no more than three vaccination according to rules of WHO.


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