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15 ways to deceive appetite

Стакан воды
Glass of water
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Appetite in itself is not bad. Inconveniences are caused by its extreme form when appetite excessive. He induces to eat more that absolutely unhealthy for health and a figure. But he can be deceived and the first way consists in reception of a glass of water of minutes for fifteen prior to the beginning of a meal. Water can be simple or mineral, it is possible even to drink a glass of tomato juice. It muffles appetite and does not help to eat less than usual.
Маленькая тарелка
Small plate
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The second way to deceive appetite – a plate of the smaller sizes. If to put a usual portion on a small plate, then it will seem bigger on volume. This optical deception allows a brain to think what is eaten even more, than usually and the signal to refuse additive arrives. Psychologists even advise to choose plateaus not only the small size, but also blue color as this color helps to reduce appetite.
Никаких специй
Any spices
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All know that spices stimulate appetite. They are also added to dishes just for this purpose, for increase in taste and desire to eat them. Means not to increase appetite, it is necessary to go from the return and to refuse use of spices. It would be ideally quite good to refuse also salt, but if it is absolutely impossible, it is necessary, at least to reduce its use.
Есть не спеша
Is slowly
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To this way all of us were taught since the childhood. It is necessary to chew slowly and carefully food, it will be acquired quicker and more effectively. It is necessary to rise because of a table before there comes the feeling of saturation. If it overtook you at a table – you ate superfluous! The mechanism of saturation works twenty minutes later after meal, the main thing to finish a meal in time and in these minutes not to devastate the refrigerator.
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Necessary products in a visible place
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It is impossible to keep in the refrigerator only fruit and vegetables. Surely there will be also something not so useful. High-calorific it is better to remove products far away above, and to put the same fruit and vegetables near at hand that at another visit to the refrigerator to take the first that will get. And what you have a soft corner in the heart, for example, cake for, it is even better not to hide, all the same you will find. It is better not to start up such temptations in the refrigerator at all.
Еда без телевизора
Food without TV
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Appetite cannot absolutely be controlled at the use of food in front of the TV, and also if behind food to read the book or the newspaper. The brain is anywhere, only not at your place at this time, and is engaged in anything, only not in process of meal. As a result – you ate, and he "did not notice" when it happened and continues to demand continuation of "banquet" in which actually he did not manage to participate.
Покупаем еду сытыми
We buy food full
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Scientists claim that at first the person "devours food with the eyes", and then sends it to a mouth. Respectively the hungry person, eyes can eat much and if at this moment he is in shop, then and he is capable to buy much more, than it is necessary. Therefore specialists advise to go behind purchases only to a full stomach. The feeling of hunger will not force you to buy the mountain of food, and then to eat everything before you come round.
Перебить аппетит сладким
To dampen ardor with sweet
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Till a lunch still the lot of time, and all your thoughts borrows food. Remember why mothers did not allow children there is a sweet before food? Because sweet is capable to dampen ardor. As sweet the small candy lollipop will approach. In it there are not enough calories, but there are carbohydrates. Having quickly come to blood, they will dull feeling of hunger, and it will be much easier to wait for a lunch, without resorting to having a snack.
Плотный завтрак
Big breakfast
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If to distribute the daily volume of food in a percentage ratio, then about 80% have to fall on a breakfast and a lunch. From them nearly a half is the share of a breakfast. The big breakfast in which it is desirable to include the sprouted cereals dishes will help to keep sense of fulness for a long time. Besides cereals a fine source of vitamins of group B which interfere with deposits of fats in and do not allow water to be late in an organism.
Клетчатка и бобовые
Cellulose and bean
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Presence at a daily diet of bean allows to improve process of digestion and to quickly satisfy feeling of hunger. At consumption of the dishes containing bean you at once will feel saturation. The same properties also cellulose has. It besides will promote clarification of an organism and removes excesses of cholesterol. For this purpose add the diet with fruit and vegetables.
Чистим зубы
We brush teeth
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It is a way it is necessary to apply in the evening when you have a temptation to eat almost before going to bed. If you, for example, drank a glass of kefir, but did not help you, and your organism demands more essential feed, try to clean teeth. You all the same should do it before going to bed. As teeth are brushed in the main ambassador of food, the brain will receive a signal of a closing stage of process and your appetite will become more moderate.
Теплый чай с молоком
Warm tea with milk
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Irrepressible appetite can sometimes lift the person in the middle of the night and take away it to the refrigerator, threatening with sleeplessness on a case of refusal to satisfy it. In this case try to deceive him warm tea with milk. Temperature of tea is chosen not accidentally, in a warm state it is easy to drink it. The milk added to tea will increase its "satiety" and your organism will be in full confidence that he achieved the, and you fed him.
Чудодейственный настой
Miracle infusion
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For a loss of appetite it is possible to prepare infusion from plums and fruits of a fig. The recipe of preparation is very simple. To wash out and fill in half a kilo of fruits with three liters of cold water. To cook on slow fire, boiling out up to two and a half liters. To use infusion together with pulp of fruit on a half of a glass every time before meal.
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If your organism refuses flatly to wait for the put hours for meal and induces you to unplanned having a snack by means of hunger attacks, then use force of smells and moderate appetite, having smelled aromatic oils, especially fruit and flower. The center of sense of smell is located in the neighbourhood with the center of hunger and smells for a while will dull appetite. The grapefruit peel also is suitable for these purposes.
Психологическая атака
Psychological attack
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To cope with appetite it is necessary to put on more often tight trousers and a skirt, it is possible the running all over dresses. Only be not overzealous! This psychological reception on many made such powerful impact that their appetite literally "died" and they ceased to eat fully, torturing themselves diets and hunger strikes. And our task – not to refuse food, and only is less for what we also try to deceive the appetite.


Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.