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Whether always silence gold?

Когда молчание вредит
When silence harms
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In situations when spouses long do not talk with each other, silence turns into the poison poisoning their relations. A game in "silence" can be dictated by the most different reasons among which banal desire to punish the marriage satellite or aspiration by the own words not to aggravate a problem. Though the second reason is more noble, but if silence dragged on, then the situation all the same will not be solved.
Чем опасно молчание
What silence is dangerous by
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Without talking to the spouse any time, it is possible to lose trusting relationships with it forever. Getting used to be silent, people gradually move away from each other, and joint pastime begins to depress them. The husband and the wife suddenly notice that they have nothing to talk at all and for hours can be silent, going about everyone the own business. And the longer it proceeds, the it is more difficult to begin the movement in the opposite direction.
Время действовать!
Time to work!
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If you noticed that you even more often keep silent or do not find a reason for a conversation with the spouse or the spouse, begin to act. It is important to realize that connivance in this question can cost you feelings of love, attachment, warmth, a family cosiness. That all this not to lose and keep trusting relationships, think over several moments. Perhaps, they will help to break off a vicious circle of silence.
Умейте слушать сердцем
Be able to listen heart
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When you hear offensive words from lips of the marriage satellite after which you do not want to communicate with it any more, try to hear everything that it tells, not ears, but heart. It is not simple, but if to it to learn, then reasons for offense become much less. Instead of the words "You Think Only of Yourself and the Affairs!", you will hear the phrase "To me so you are not enough, without you to me it is so lonely!". On these words and reaction there will be another.
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Some spouses, trying to solve family problems, in advance agree about what needs to be done and what, on the contrary, you should not do. It is possible and in this case will agree in advance that under no circumstances whatever it happened, neither the husband, nor the wife will not begin to be silent and will not cease to talk with each other. After the mutual arrangement each of spouses has to keep the word.
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You monitor the speech
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Analyze as often the words "I", "me" are heard in your speech, mine". If much more often than "we", to "us", "ours", then it demonstrates that you perceive yourself separately from the spouse. Then it turns out that time your marriage satellite with you not in one team, and the relation at you to him as to "foreign player". Make changes to the speech and soon you will notice, as your attitude towards the spouse became much warmer and closer.
Молчание может быть золотом
Silence can be gold
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And nevertheless silence can be gold! It happens when use it at the very beginning of the conflict, but not after it. If you swore and now do not talk with each other, then such silence will do only harm. But if you the first stop a quarrel, keep silent in response to the words provoking you, then thus you preserve the peace in the heart and will not give to problems the slightest chance to spoil your relations.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.