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The most widespread female diseases

Эрозия шейки матки
Erosion of a neck of uterus
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Externally the disease looks as reddening around an outside opening of the channel of a uterus. The erosion almost asymptomatically, can sometimes be shown by blood allocations after sexual intercourse. It is possible to find it only at survey in the gynecologist. Arises, as a rule, owing to a venereal infection, chemical irritation, etc. If not to treat her, then formation of a benign tumor is possible over time.
Миома матки (фибромиома)
Hysteromyoma (fibromyoma)
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Myoma – the benign tumor arising in a muscular layer of a uterus. It can reach the big sizes. High level of female sex hormones of estrogen and clamidiosis is the main reason of myoma. Myoma occurs at every fourth woman at the age of 16-45 years, and proves painful and plentiful periods. At the timely address to the doctor it can be cured by a medicamentous method.
Киста яичников
Cyst of ovaries
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The cyst of ovaries presents itself education in the bubble form with liquid which increases an ovary several times. The cyst in fact is the benign tumor caused by a hormonal imbalance. At an initial stage the cyst has no symptoms, and it is possible to reveal it at ultrasonography. Later failures in a menstrual cycle, pain in the bottom of a stomach begin. Treatment of a cyst consists in hormonal therapy, and sometimes and operations.
Кольпит (вагинит)
Colpitis (vaginitis)
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Colpitis – the inflammation of a mucous membrane of a vagina caused by various microorganisms. The disease often occurs at the women leading active sex life. It is promoted by various somatic illnesses, immunity easing, endocrine diseases, hygiene disturbance, recently postponed abortion, the wrong reception of antibiotics. The colpitis is followed by a severe itch and allocations with an unpleasant smell.
Аднексит (сальпингоофорит)
Adnexitis (salpingo-oophoritis)
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Adnexitis – an inflammation of appendages of a uterus as a result of defeat by various microorganisms. Can arise at frequent colds, overcooling, severe stresses, artificial or misbirths. Point severe pains in the bottom of a stomach to a disease, putreform allocations, disturbances of a menstrual cycle. This disease it is necessary to treat timely as it causes infertility and formation of commissures.
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Endometriosis – growth of an endometria (an inside layer of a wall of a uterus). The disease is followed by inflammations of surrounding fabrics and bleedings, severe pains during sexual intercourse. Hormonal failure is the main reason. Endometriosis it is necessary to treat at an initial stage when medicamentous therapy is effective. And in the started state operation, and not always with preservation of genital function is required.
Нарушения менструального цикла
Disturbances of a menstrual cycle
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These are various deviations in graphics of periods: too plentiful, or scanty bleedings, too long or short, small or long interval between cycles. If the patient complains of lack of periods for half a year, then diagnose an amenorrhea – gynecologic and endocrine pathology. In each separate case treatment of disturbances of menstrual cycles individually also depends on its reasons.
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Infertility is characterized by impossibility of the woman of reproductive age to become pregnant. Problems with ovaries or their absence, disturbances of passability of uterine tubas, lack of a uterus or its pathology, underdevelopment of generative organs, their injuries and so forth belong to the reasons of infertility. At impossibility to become pregnant the woman needs full medical examination and complex treatment.
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The mastopathy represents growth of tissues of mammary gland against the background of hormonal failure with formation of a benign tumor. Also the mastopathy can develop owing to traumatizing a breast, because of lack of childbirth or feeding by a breast. Can find dense nodes in a breast also the woman at self-inspection. Periodically the woman needs to undergo ultrasonography of a mammary gland and mammography.
Рак груди
Breast cancer
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This malignant epithelial tumoral disease in a mammary gland. The disease can be revealed by self-diagnostics. It is regularly necessary to have planned examinations at the attending physician, and also modern hardware researches. In risk group the women who for the first time gave rise later 30 years, patients with a diabetes mellitus, obesity, alcoholism and tobacco smoking belong.
Своевременная диагностика и лечение
Timely diagnosis and treatment
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Thus, despite employment and constant efforts, the woman should not ignore even the slightest symptoms of a disease. It is important to watch the health and reaction of an organism to various changes. It is regularly necessary to have planned examination in clinic for women. And the main thing – to be anxious less on trifles, as we know, all diseases – from nerves!


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