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Depression: bad mood or... diagnosis

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Sometimes to stay in the suppressed mood – quite naturally for the person. The person can not always control own mood and a condition of spirit especially as a set of external and internal factors exert impact on it. In the same way there is also a depression which is a consequence of a certain change of own assessment and perception. It simply occurs.
Что такое депрессия
What is a depression
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The depression is quite natural reaction of an organism to the circumstances unsettling and is inherent even to newborn children. Thus, the depression is a certain break, protection of an organism for tests and the unsuccessful phenomena in the environment. This state allows the person to gain strength and to overcome difficult circumstances. It quite naturally. What cannot be told about people who do not know this state.
Особенности психики
Features of mentality
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Each person is individual and the bad mood transfers differently. What for one person passes almost imperceptibly for another is wrapped in a heavy depression. Nevertheless, this state is characterized by common features, such as loss of usual feelings and tastes, inability to rejoice and be surprised. As a result this state leads to the fact that the person remains in private with the problems, helpless.
Депрессия коварная
The depression is artful
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Depression – a state artful which can be shown in the most unexpected way. It is expressed not only in bad mood, but also negatively affects a physical condition of the person. The person begins to move slowly, shoulders fall, between eyebrows the fold lies, corners of a mouth fall. Over time sleeplessness or the increased drowsiness begins to torment the person, appetite vanishes or amplifies.
Улыбающаяся депрессия
The smiling depression
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Quite often the smiling person can have a depression also. Such depression has no visible manifestations. The person communicates and looks as usual, only him, for example, the headache, or dorsodynias, sleeplessness constantly torments. This state is called "the masked depression". So, the professional neurologist will not fail to the patient with the diagnosis "radiculitis" to appoint as well antidepressants.
Детская депрессия
Children's depression
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The children's depression has the hidden character. The small child cannot complain of feeling of melancholy, but expresses this state as a protest: refuses to eat, sleep, and does not allow to sleep to parents. As a rule, doctors do not suspect a depression at the child, writing off this state for a birth trauma, gripes, etc. And meanwhile, the depression is the first that the pediatrician at the child in the absence of explicit other reasons has to suspect.
Не все то депрессия, что кажется
Not all that a depression that it seems
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It turns out what a half of mankind at us is sick with a depression, or not everything is so started? Scientists assure that it is possible to call not everything a depression. So, the chagrin in connection with not passed examination, cloudy weather cannot be confused to a heavy depression which develops because of unfortunate love or the crash of all plans, the death of the loved one, etc. It is impossible to make the diagnosis "depression" every time when the person has a bad mood.
Где грань?
Where side?
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And still, where the side between small grief and a depression lies? Each person who wakes up in the morning and tries to make out in a window outlines of the sun between gloomy clouds wants to know about it. The answer is actually simple: so far the person remembers in this connection he has a melancholy, about a clinical depression of the speech he cannot be.
Когда пора к врачу
When it is time to the doctor
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It is necessary to see a doctor when there are classical displays of a clinical depression – the idea of self-accusation and a thought of death which prevents to live fully. One more criterion of transition of grief to a depression is time. Not always the grief passes through some time, and, on the contrary, over time flows in more aggravated state. If it happened, then it is necessary to address the specialist.
Биологическая тоска
Biological melancholy
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Psychiatrists are familiar with one type of a depression – endogenous. It, as a rule, arises spontaneously and does not depend on any external influences. Fortunately, only 2-3% of people are subject to an endogenous depression and it is treated much easier, than a depression neurotic. It is connected with the fact that the reason of an endogenous depression is covered inside whereas neurotic – in external factors.
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The science still did not study what processes happen in a brain of the person during a depression. Therefore all antidepressants existing today do not cure a depression, but help to get rid of its symptoms and to pass this period, heavy for the person, with the minimum losses. As they say, it is better to be the healthy person accepting antidepressants than to suffer without them.
Перестаньте любить свою депрессию
Stop to love the depression
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As if cynically it sounded, but to a certain limit the depression can make interior richer. There are new experiences, feeling of sorrow and pity to themselves, the person becomes isolated in own world and begins to philosophize, the inspiration comes. For this reason many people of creative professions are not eager to get rid of a depression.
Время и терпение
Time and patience
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If a situation not critical, then the best doctor of a depression are time and patience. You should not try to distract the patient with different councils, it seems: "yes will be enough already", "do not get bad into the head", etc. Even if the depression superficial, the person cannot cheer up, as well as cannot only one desire bring down to itself temperature. But what is really necessary - it is to be near at the right time.
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Each person has the right for a depression. This natural state. All question consists only in terms. So, if the depression lasts longer than 2 weeks, then the help is necessary for the person. The most well-tried remedy from a depression is necessity and a demand. Show how the person is not indifferent for you, try to be always nearby. If it does not help, it is necessary to address the psychotherapist.


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