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Whether to consider phobias a disease?

Как отличить обычный страх от фобии?
How to distinguish usual fear for a phobia?
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The usual fear serves as protection to the person, warning him about danger and helping to avoid situations fraught with grave consequences. And phobias arise even in the conditions far from real danger. They in itself are dangerous as the feeling of strong fear at the person suffering from a phobia is capable to paralyze it literally. Quite often fight against a phobia requires the help of professional physicians.
Основные категории фобий
Main categories of phobias
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There is a huge number of phobias, but everything them can be classified by categories. Allocate three main: these are social phobias, an agoraphobia and specific phobias. The first arise in certain social situations, the second in public places, and the third in each case.
Фобии социального характера
Phobias of social character
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Some take phobias of social character for shyness. But in this case everything is much more serious. The person in panic is afraid of assessment of the actions by people around. It provokes it to isolation, lack of full communication and unwillingness to make contact under no circumstances. Such people often have problems in the relations of personal and professional character.
Что такое агорафобия?
What is an agoraphobia?
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Speaking simply, the agoraphobia – fear to appear in some specific place. Someone in panic is afraid to appear on the bridge, and someone is frightened by a thought of stay in turn. In most cases women have an agoraphobia. If not to take measures, then the person can gradually become a hermit. However now treatment comes from an agoraphobia nine times out of ten.
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The third type of phobias is shown in panic fear something specific. For example, fear of the closed spaces carries the name of claustrophobia. People with a similar phobia uncomfortably feel in elevators, tunnels and other limited spaces. At hit to the new room they try to keep closer to an exit.
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Such strange name carries fear of a thunder. Purely psychologically peals of a thunder inspire fear in any person, but suffering from this form of a phobia it seems that the thunder can do it harm. And though such person understands that his fears are groundless, it is simple to overcome the fear he not in forces.
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Manifestation of this type of a phobia can be observed in airplanes. The person in panic is afraid to fly, and this fear does not pass eventually, even on condition of safe completion of flights. Specialists consider an aerophobia of one of the forms which are hard giving in to treatment. In some cases hypnotherapy helps, but quite often this fear remains with the person for the rest of life.
Боязнь паранормальных явлений
Fear of the paranormal phenomena
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Some people cautiously treat numbers, see in all certain signs and are very susceptible to any unclear phenomena. The fear of reductions, various superstitions and other fears connected with the fact that it is not up to the end clear to the person concerns to them. The imagination, suffering from a phobia, is ready to explain any event from the point of view of the paranormal phenomena.
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Zoophobia means fear of any animal. Depending on a look also the name of a phobia changes. So, fear of spiders is called arachnophobia, fear of birds – an ornitofobiya, fear of snakes – an ofidayofobiya. All these phobias, as a rule, arise in the early childhood and during life gradually leave. But so occurs not at all and it is often possible to meet adults who, for example, strongly are afraid of spiders and other insects.
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You know what is an arophobia? If you met people who are afraid of height, then you met having an arophobia. And, optional height has to be real. Height even the small eminence seems to these people. And, for example, even from the earth they will have dizziness and fear of height in meter. Rise on a ladder or passing across the rope bridge for such people will be equal to torture.
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Never fainted at the sight of blood? If is not present, then you have no hemophobia. Hemophobia – fear of blood. At a look even of a drop of blood, the person suffering from such kind of a phobia can faint. One more phobia based on fear of pricks and injuries is the tripanofobiya.
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This name belongs to a phobia which forces people to be afraid of cancer in panic. Of course, the similar disease frightens all, and there is no person who would not worry about it. But the kartsinofobiya forces the person to suspect cancer even at the slightest indisposition. This fear becomes pathological, deprives of the person of rest and steadiness.
Фобия и алкоголь
Phobia and alcohol
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The phobia and alcohol are incompatible. The people abusing alcoholic drinks suffer from various forms of phobias many times more often than the others. Alcohol aggravates force of impact of fears on the person even more. Alcohol and a phobia have also an inverse relation. At the people suffering from phobias in attempts to remove fear attacks by means of alcoholic drinks, the chance to become alcoholics sharply increases.
Как жить с фобией?
How to live with a phobia?
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Emergence of a phobia in human life can strongly change his behavior and complicate the relations with people around. The phobia will oppress the person and to force it to hide from the imagined danger. Also, trying to hide existence of a phobia, people often become isolated and stand apart that leads to a bigger deterioration in a situation. It is important not to give to fears to enslave the life and in time to ask for the help.
Можно ли это вылечить?
Whether it is possible to cure it?
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Fortunately, in 90% cases it is possible to get rid of phobias. Efficiently desensitization is most today. It represents substitution of fears of the person other emotions. Using this method, specialists force out fears the positive emotions bringing to the person tranquility and a pacification.


Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.